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permaculture - Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 1

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 1
  • Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 23:39:52 -0400

Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Dragonfly Market Gardens -
Title: Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 1

Botany and Fieldbiology Sites page 1

An extensive list of URLs related to systematic botany, biodiversity, ecology and biological fieldwork. Completeness is not the aim, content and quality is. European sites are especially encouraged to present themselves.

This page deals with "botany proper", the next more with "field biology", though the separation line is rather arbitrary. A filled circle flag is used for sites that are not in English. See the  Key to Symbols for an explication of all the dingbats


Top of This Page (pg 1): Navigation Center
Botany Institutes, Herbaria, etc. Navigatie Centrum
Gardens (Botanic or otherwise)
Single Area Sites News, Travel, Culture Links
Single Taxon Sites: Plants Botany Education
Species lists, databases, images Botanie Educatief
Medical, Culinary, Ethnobotany, Herbs Search the WWW
Page 2: Botany Related matters
Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Nature Conservation Fieldbiology Software
Rain Forests Veldbiologische Software
Single Taxon Sites: Animals Key to Symbols
Marine Biology
Environment / Milieu
More Biology
Biology Education
Books, Publications (on paper / on-line)
Schools, Universities, Teaching

Botany institutes, Herbaria (see also Botanic Gardens)

AGRALIN - Agricultural Info
At Wageningen, NL. Identify a tree with Dryade, or visit the "Knowledge Network": cool interface! Soon with official name lists for many groups of species, hybrids and cultivars.
Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus Leiden
Some useful basic info about this -not only for Holland- important institute. The different groups and projects, with staff and their e-mail addresses. For instance Flora Malesiana, Cryptogamic Botany, Flora of the Netherlands, FLORON, Clusius Garden (introduction of the Tulip) and a catalog of publications (eg. Gorteria).
Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History
Beautiful and informative, maps of Flora Europaea, home of IDB (Internet Directory for Botany), Finnish Flora, and more
University of Regina, Canada
Biology Related Resources in Regina, Saskatchewan. Nice pictures.
California State University Stanislaus. Many plant pictures, good references. For instance, this page is a nice initiative: Plant Nomenclature (about ICBN rules - would the complete ICBN text be on-line somewhere ?!)
Univ. of Guelph, Ontario: Dept. of Botany
The Cliff Ecology page is very nice, to mention just one thing
More Links
IDB - Botanical Societies, Intern. Botanical Organizations
IDB - University Departments, Other Institutes


Gardens (Botanic and otherwise)
(for specific plants see Single Taxon Sites)

The Virtual Garden
A very extensive Time-Life site, an on-line encyclopedia for the gardener
the Internet site for all things floral. Here you'll find many Dutch companies involved with flower trading. With Flowerbase you can find photos and info about more than 7000 species and varieties
Dig Magazine
On-line issue of this Gardeners monthly magazine.
Stokes Tropicals
Tropical Plants, Greenhouse News, Merchandise, the Catalog, Plant Food, Books: that's the main menue. Heliconias, Gingers, Bromeliads, etc. Very informative site, nice pictures too.
USDA climate zones for winter-hardyness (US, Europe, ...)
At the Swedish Fuchsia Society
Netherlands, Belgium
the Internet site for all things floral. Here you'll find many Dutch companies involved with flower trading. With Flowerbase you can find photos and info about more than 7000 species and varieties
F.A.Q. van de nieuwsgroep NL.TUINEN
Biedt erg veel info. Plantesoorten op naam gesorteerd, planteziektes, boeken, software, adressen, etc.
Botanic Gardens University of Utrecht /
      Botanische Tuinen Universiteit van Utrecht
In fact a collection of gardens, at different localities. The oldest one, still has the first specimen in Europe of Ginkgo biloba, planted in 1730. Specialities of these gardens are Neotropical species, Annonaceae, Tsuga, Broad-leaved hardy trees, Alpines, Crassulaceae, Arisaema, Arisarum, Trillium, Penstemon, Lecanopteris.
Botanical Garden Univ. of Nijmegen
Specialized in non-tuberous Solanaceae. Good checklist of species, with excellent photos.
Landgoed Larenstein
Een hele mooie virtuele rondwandeling door de tuinen van de Internationale Agrarische Hogeschool Larenstein (Gelderland)
Marion's Garden
Take it literally: pictures from a garden of 3 x 4 m. But what a sight (site)!
Herb Nursery / Kruidenkwekerij
Of Roger and Linda Bastin. Herbs for garden and kitchen, scented and special plants. Extensive links list
Plantengids 3.0
Reclame voor een electronisch tuinplantenboek. Nederlandstalig, grafisch geöriënteerd, lijkt echt de moeite waard
RUDA's Garden Homepage
A bit chaotic, but a lot to find. Overall themes are Ornamental Grasses and a giant BBS-like collection of text files on many genera and species.
Rozemarijn's Groenpagina
Links, Plant van de Week, Planten-Database, u aangeboden door de bloemenwinkel op het station van Woerden
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
The Mother of All Gardens... Even the Herbarium is an adventure
The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Their Search the Flora Europaea page is a promising initiative. The garden specializes in temperate floras of Himalaya, W. China and Japan, Rhododendron, Conifers, SE Asian orchids, temperate southern hemisphere, the flora of Arabia, and alpines.
Jardin de Mélusine (France)
Ce jardin a été conçu par Sonja Gauron, paysagiste parisienne.
Botanical Garden Plant DataBase (Warsaw)
Summing up the collection, with links to the Garden and the University of Warsaw.
Tøyen Botanical Garden (Univ. of Oslo)
General Info, Seedlist, Plant Database. Specialities are the Arboretum, local plants, and species from Madeira.
Flora Ornamental Española
El proyecto nace, dentro de la Asociación Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos y como una comisión de trabajo de ésta, con la finalidad de redactar una flora dedicada a las plantas cultivadas, especialmente con fines ornamentales, cubriendo así un vacío existente hasta ahora en las publicaciones en lengua española.
With English summary, good related pages (Solanaceae !) and extremely good related links directory.
Plant Industrial Platform (PIP)
This Internet site serves members of the Plant Industrial Platform, as well as other professionals in EU plant biotechnology
North America
The New York Botanical Garden
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and School of Horticulture
Missouri Botanical Garden / info page
Lots of pictures ! Don't miss the Botanical Research page: they are involved with the Flora Mesoamericana, Flora of Madagascar, Flora of China, and more.
Environmental Horticulture at the Univ. of Florida
Very beautiful site, and though lots of graphics: works fast
Devonian Botanic Garden (Univ. of Alberta)
Specialized in wetlands, Fungi. Nice pictures too.
Medicinal Herb Garden
At the University of Washington. An unofficial hypertext tour and partial catalog...
Northern Pond
"My professional career began as a sculptor. In the early eighties , I moved to creating environments rather than objects. >From that starting point, jumping to creating garden spaces was a logical extention. I do not seem to be able to create a garden space without water in it".
The Southern Garden
Events Calendar, Articles, The Kid's Garden, Southern Garden Bookstore. Member of The Garden Webring (good links).
Pacific Northwest Gardening
Extensive info, most of interest to people in this region of the US - but also worthwile for similar maritime climates in the world
Fleurs, Plantes & Jardins
French language garden site in Québec. Nice place to dwell for a while.
Online Singapore Botanic Gardens
Nice stroll through the park, some flowers, some rainforest, some advertisement...
Australian National Botanic Gardens Biodiversity Server
Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
General info, plus a very nice page about the Wollemi Pine, the tree that was thought extinct, but rediscovered in 1994
A walk through the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
A very beautiful website, a virtual walk, many photos. Don't miss the "location" item, or the "overview"!
Norfolk Island Botanic Gardens
Norfolk Island, that's somewhere between Australia and New Zealand. Botanically known for the Norfolk Pine, Araucaria heterophylla, a houseplant in temperate zones, but there's much more to see there.
Society for Growing Australian Plants (SGAP)
Guide to Australian Plants, Propagation, Where to see, The Australian Flora Foundation, Photo Gallery, and much more
More Links
Horticulture and Plant Science Links
Quite extensive, organised geographically: institutes in the United Kingdom, Europe, Japan, America, Canada and Australasia, plus "other" links.
John's Rainbow Garden
The Gardening Launch Pad
Yolanda's Gardenrelated Places
A list maintained by the keeper of newsgroup nl.tuinen. Also other botanical links
IDB - Arboreta and Botanical Gardens
IDB - Gardening


Single Area Sites (except Rainforests)

Holland and Belgium
Wasteland Flora near Amsterdam / De Diemerzeedijk
Climax of a pioneer vegetation (!), on dioxin-polluted land. Beautiful ! The city wants to build a residential area there (IJburg) - not so beautiful...
Over het Flevopark in Amsterdam, red de Lynx in Noorwegen, veel natuur-links, etc.
De Wieden and De Weerribben
De Wieden and De Weerribben, situated in the eastern parts of the Neterlands, form the biggest area of peat-bog (marsh) in western Europe. These unique reserves are of enormous entomological interest. The rare subspecies batava of the Large Copper can almost only be found here.
Wandelroute door de 'Rottige Meenthe'
Een veengebied nabij Wolvega. Deze mooie pagina van het GCO Friesland heeft veel links naar plaatjes, geluiden, verdere uitleg.
De Parnassia snakt naar calcium
In het beekdal van de Kleine Dommel vlakbij Eindhoven ligt het natuurgebied 'De Urkhovense Zeggen'. Kort geleden besloot de gemeente daar in de buurt te gaan bouwen. Het natuurgebied moest echter intact blijven en daarom werden de mogelijke schadelijke effecten van de bouwplannen onderzocht. Mooie diagrammen etc. Pagina van het TNO, artikel in het on-line magazine Spraakwater, over Grondwater en Geo-Energie.
Het Regiwaproject Nannewijd
Van het Waterschap Friesland. Over de bestrijding van eutrofiëring (Algengroei, afnemende biodiversiteit).
Flora of Europe On Line
About 240 species and 550 photos, mostly Mediterranean.
Search the Flora Europaea
At the The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Enter a taxon name, and you get the lower taxa. Check your spelling, retrieve authors, see whether your name is "accepted" or "synonym", get distribution data (country codes).
The Wild Flower Page (UK)
Texts and plant pictures around themes like "Around town", "A walk in the woods", etc.
Mosses and Liverworts in Wales
Grengewald (Luxembourg)
An ancient forest threatened by the building of a highway, the "Nordstroos".
Botany around Århus (Danmark)
Stories about Lake Brabrand and Moesgaard Forest, photos from other areas too
Flora of the San Quirico (North Italy)
Nice one, lots of info, also a species list. There's a German language version too.
Piante di Sicilia
Notizie sulla flora di Sicilia. Esprime la libera ricerca scientifica di ricercatori appassionati e indipendenti.
IFP: Alpine Flowers and Birds
7 and 10 day Wildlife holidays exploring the Flora and Fauna. Cyprus, Portugal, Pyrenees, French Alps, Greece. For a price.
North America
Canadian Forests
The site is intended to facilitate access by Internet users to the growing number of sites that provide information on forests and forestry in Canada.
Native Plant Conservation Initiative (NPCI)
"Think globally, act locally." Federal plant conservation resources are pooled at the national level to provide a focused, strategic approach to plant conservation at the local level on public and private lands.
The Navasota Flora (Texas)
Great site of the TAMU Herbarium. Tours thru different nature reserves, a very extensive photo collection, and more
Texas Wildflowers
A sequence of images and descriptions, a small selection of course
Florida Wildflowers Showcase
Truely a showcase of about 200 plant pictures, and related info
Trails and Wildflowers (Oakridge, Oregon)
Do the Alpine Trail on-line, with pictures of scenery and wildflowers. About 90 such trails are collected on a free CD-ROM for Macintosh. It's like a tourist guide for hikers
Wildflowers of Alabama
A good example of beauty through simplicity (for the user). Don't forget to click the Homepage button!
Blue Ridge Wildflowers
Pick a name in one frame, see the picture in the other. 40 Species listed.
California Native Plant Society
"to Increase Understanding and Appreciation of California's Native Plants, and to Preserve Them in Their Natural Habitat Through Scientific Activities, Education, and Conservation"
Arkansas Biodiversity Mapper
A new WWW-based mapping system for the vascular flora of Arkansas. Type in a family name, and see how it's genera and species are distributed. Very flexible, good show!
Mojave / The Virtual Desert
All you ever wanted to know about... The Mojave desert. Nice entrance too! Not much follow-up at the moment, but there is something brewing...
Wildflowers of the Southern Appalachians
In Spring and Fall almost "live" reports of the most colorful spots (blooming and autumn colors)
Wild and Free
Poetic texts and images of nature, some philosophy too. Plus further links, like this one about Yosemite National Park.
Howie Brounstein's Home Page
"Herbal Treats": Apprenticeships - Workshops - Catalog - Plant Lists. Good further links.
PLANTS Database
The USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture) database that replaces the National List of Scientific Plant Names (NLSPN). Standardized information on US plant names, synonyms, authors, symbols, common names, families. Now being expanded with distribution data and pictures. Site with an exemplary function to the world! Here is a short-cut to the query page.
Canadian poisonous plants information system
An enormous list of species, with references to medical literature / publications
Central and South America
Bioclimatologia de Flora de Veracruz
La serie Bioclimatologia contiene los resultados de las investigaciones sobre las condiciones climáticas que controlan la distribución de plantas del Estado de Veracruz. Information about the flora of Mexico, arranged per family.
Flora Mesoamericana
At the Missouri Botanical Garden
Manual de las Plantas de Costa Rica / (USA mirror)
Introduction in Spanish, the actual data mostly scientific (Latin) names and terms. 60,000 Collected specimens, grouped in a taxonomical hierarchy, with distribution maps for the species. Each family with a photo. Vascular plants and Mosses. Also a search field.
Brasil, the Atlantic Rainforest
Info on different projects by the Base de Dados Tropical (BDT).
Flora of China / (Alt.)
Not a small endeavour. But well-organized, using search engines. A cooperation between 9 institutes in and outside China
Greenhouse Web site
Offering the wild plants of China. All from nurseries of course. And some 125 beautiful images on-line.
Indigenous Trees of Gauteng
The first website on these pages from and about South Africa. The Gauteng is the High Veld (Savanna) region near Jo'burg
Vascular plants of Madagascar
At the Missouri Garden. "200 stunning images and information"!
Australia and Pacific
WA Native Plant Image Herbarium
An archive of images of Western Australian plants
John's Wildflower Page (Western Australia)
4 Very beautiful pictures of very special plants, like Banksia.
Wildflower Watch (Western Australia)
Over 8000 species in these parts, and the website tries to inform on what's where and when blooming, excursions, etc.
Gulliver Films
Gulliver Films produces wildlife, natural history and environmental education films, videos and multimedia in Australia. On-line information about Australian environments, natural history, and wildlife. You can access really great photos of Australian animals and ecosystems, and a video Clip of the Week.
Society for Growing Australian Plants (SGAP)
Guide to Australian Plants, Propagation, Where to see, The Australian Flora Foundation, Photo Gallery, and much more
Hawaiian native plants
From the home page of Dr. Gerald (Gerry) Carr, at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. Nearly 400 images and descriptions.


Single Taxon Sites: Plants

Alphabetical within each group. Don't forget to look at both Family and Genus name !

Angiospermae (Flowering Plants)
Allium - EC Allium Project
The Development of High Quality Fresh and Processed Onions. An EU shared cost action under the FAIR framework
Arisaema - The Arisaema Page
Jack-in-the-pulpit (Araceae).
Araceae - Tim's Aroid Webpage
A sub-page of Timothy Chapman's Aroid and Ginger Homepage
Asclepiadaceae - The Asclepiad Page
About such well known plants as Hoya, Stephanotis, the cactus-like Stapelia and Ceropegia, the Chinese Lantern.
Bambusoideae - European Bamboo Society (EBS)
Bambusoideae - American Bamboo Society (ABS)
Bambusoideae - Burt Associates Bamboo
Bambusoideae - Bamboe kwekerij Fastuosa
Bromeliaceae - BROM-L Archive
Archive of the Bromeliad Taxonomists and Growers Discussion List. With search engine, very informative. From BDT - Brasil
Bromeliaceae - Virtual Bromeliad Society
Fragaria - The Strawberry Facts Page
Fraxinus - Eva Wallander's page on Fraxinus (Ash)
Fraxinus phylogeny and flowering ecology, and some info on other Oleaceae plants (Göteborg University)
Fuchsia - The Swedish Fuchsia Society
Nice home page, but for less advanced browsers this one might be more functional. Good maps of US climate zones ("USDA zones") and the European equivalent.
Gesneriaceae - The Gesneriad Reference Web
Splendid pages, regularly updated.
Gesneriaceae - American Gloxinia & Gesneriad Society (AGGS)
Gunnera - The Gunnera Page
Hevea - Latex Allergy Links
Hoya - Eddie's Hoya Page
Ipomoea batatas - A Sweetpotato Sampler
Orchidaceae - Linda's Orchid Page
Very, very beautiful pages, many nice photos too
Orchidaceae - Yamamoto Orchid Index
From Hawaii
Palmae - Palms of the World
Penstemon - The Penstemon Website
Beardtongue (tribe Cheloneae: Scrophulariaceae)
Plumeria - The Plumeria Place
All about different cultivars of this genus of small trees, also known as Frangipani (Apocynaceae). The item "Cultivars and Varieties" hides much info
Pueraria lobata - The Amazing Story of Kudzu
A Japanese vine (Leguminosae) in the Southeastern U.S..
An on-line reference to the genus Rhododendron - klick on "Hybrids" to see... a lot! Many pictures were taken in Tylers Arboretum, Pennsylvania.
Rhus radicans, Urtica - Obnoxious Plants - Poison Ivy, Nettles
Rosa - American Rose Society
Saintpaulia - African Violet World
Solanaceae - Botanical Garden Nijmegen
Solanaceae - cultivadas en la España
Swertia albomarginata - Eastern Mojave Vegetation
Tom Schweich's Home Page, about the Mojave, Desert Elkweed and other Gentianaceae
Zea mais - How a Corn Plant Develops
Zingiberaceae - Ginger Photographs
A sub-page of Timothy Chapman's Aroid and Ginger Homepage
Gymnospermae (Conifers and related)
Ginkgo biloba - Maidenhair Tree
Pinus longaeva / P. aristata - The Bristlecone Site
The earth's oldest living inhabitant "Methuselah" at 4,725 years, has lived more than a millennium longer than any other tree. Discover how these trees were found and where they live.
Pteridophyta (Ferns and related)
Pteridophyta - American Fern Society / (Alt.)
Non-Taxonomical Groups of (mainly) vascular plants
The Succulent Plant Page
Not so much Cactusses, but more other succulents
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Click on the "Plants" button to find dozens of species with images!
Fresh Water Biology / Ole Pedersen
Personal homepage with abstracts of publications (The Freshwater Biological Laboratory - University of Copenhagen)
Bryophyta (Mosses and Liverworts)
Bryophyta - Mosses and Liverworts in Wales
Algae (Seaweeds and related)
Dinoflagellates and Diatoms
Magnificent illustrated discourse about these two classes of unicellular Brown Algae (2 links above). There is also a microscope being traded here, but it's not intrusive, and easily forgiven
Fungi (Mushrooms, Toadstools and related)
Fungi - Fungi Images on the Net
Hundreds of images, dispersed in cyberspace, are linked from here.


Species Lists, Databases, Images

Of global scope, or continental. For lists of states and countries see Single Area Sites.

Search the Flora Europaea
At the The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Enter a taxon name, and you get the lower taxa. Check your spelling, retrieve authors, see whether your name is "accepted" or "synonym", get distribution data (country codes).
Search GRIN for taxonomy
Finds taxonomic descriptions of families and species. GRIN stands for Germplasm Resources Information Network, and this search engine is part of NPGS, National Plant Germplasm System.
Base Angiosperm Listing
Magnoliophyta. You find families, with DELTA descriptions, ethnobotanical data from AGIS, plus several species lists and lists of image files (o.a. TAMU image gallery)
TAMU Image Listing
Listing of families, followed by a list of photografed species for each family (can reach also through the site above)
Chez Marco's Plant Pictures / Plantenfoto's
Nearly 200 photo's on-line, plants from Holland, Europe and tropical South America (mostly Suriname). Arranged by family, soon with educational info on families and higher taxa.
AGIS / Biological Databases
Agricultural Genome Information Server. A lot of information... The EthnobotDB has I think almost every species on board...
Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Is part of the Tree of Life, an Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity. There is also a Search Page (can find animals as well). Good pictures. Returns references to phylogenetic literature
FLORIN Databases On-Line
Mosses of the former USSR, Revision of the genus Pseudodracontium, and the Lotus database, Specimens of Moscow State University Herbarium, and more coming up
Species 2000
Aims to collect links to info on all species in the world, a search structure for several databases
World Species List
A collection of links to on-line lists of plant and animal species. Several search options, like per country.
PLANTS Database
The USDA (US Dept. of Agriculture) database that replaces the National List of Scientific Names (NLSPN). Standardized information on US plant names, synonyms, authors, symbols, common names, families. Now being expanded with distribution data and pictures. Site with an exemplary function to the world! Here is a short-cut to the query page.
TreeBASE search engine
A Database of Phylogenetic Knowledge. Courtesy of the Harvard University Herbaria, and University of California. Look at their home page too!
Index Nominum Genericorum (ING)
All generic names of plants, as covered by the ICBN, together in a single list to reveal homonymy between groups. In addition, ING includes bibliographic citations and information. A collaborative project of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Utrecht, NL.
Canadian poisonous plants information system
An enormous list of species, with references to medical literature / publications
Phylogenetics Databases
A collection of on-line phylogenetic databases and other informative sites.
More Links
Search the Web
If you did'nt find here what you are looking for, I'd strongly advise to try a general search engine from this Search-the-Web page at Chez Marco's


Medical, Culinary, Ethnobotany, Herbs, Poison

Plant Compounds and Chemotherapy
"Cyberbotanica". Botanical compounds used in cancer treatment/research and about the plants that produce them. Taxol of course, but there is more
The Lyme Disease Network
All about that treacherous infection brought about by ticks - every fieldworker should be aware of this
MedCinMan, de Apotheker
Jouw MedCinMan voor gratis adviezen. O.a. over hooikoorts: wanneer welke grassen bloeien - maar ook allerlei andere aandoeningen
EthnoMedicinals Home Page
A page dedicated to the exchange of information on the use of natural products in biochemistry, pharmacology, and traditional medicine
Allergy Internet Resources (AIR)
Part of the Allergy Discussion Mailing List page
Latex Allergy Links
Very extensive information, collected by a parent of a patient.
Canadian poisonous plants information system
An enormous list of species, with references to medical literature / publications
The Ethnobotany Cafe
Discussion Lounge, Herb Exchange, Menu of the day - looks like a real nice place to go.
Herb Research News
Alternative Medicine for Health and Wellness (SunSite)
Traditional Native American Plants and Herbs
About 50 plants with field ID's and Indian names - mostly Ojibwe and Mohawk. Also "teacher resources", and a page about traditional native foods, with recipes. A new section about basket-making will contain much more plant info and art: Basketry.
Plants of the Machiguenga
An ethnobotanical study of Eastern Peru. The neurologist Dr. Ethan Russo spent two months in Peru's rainforest looking for plants to treat headaches. You'll find photos of the plants he gathered here, along with botanical and medicinal information about them. You'll also find photos of birds and people.
Rainforest Medical
Rainforest Medical Foundation (RMF) makes an inventory of medicinal plants in the rainforest, promotes these medicins, stimulates further development, and sees to it that the local population also benefits. The opening page of this site is in Dutch, but just click on a topic and you will find English summaries
The Rainforest - Pharmacy of the World. Commercial pages, but very well done. Very informative, list of medicinal plant species in the Amazon region, and a very good links list.
Plants for a Future
A resource and information centre for edible and other useful plants
Herb Web
Medicinal and other uses of tenthousends species of plants, with different peoples all over the world. And thru Tim Johnson's Home Page / (alt.) you can for example go to Herbage #4, where all this info can be downloaded too
Herb Nursery / Kruidenkwekerij
Of Roger and Linda Bastin. Herbs for garden and kitchen, scented and special plants. Extensive links list
Henriette's Herbal Homepage
Archives and FAQs about herbs, medicinal and culinary, links to picture pages (SunSite)
Herbal Hall
Links to an FTP site with texts and images, plus a list of further herbal links
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine / (alt.)
HomePage of Michael Moore, Director. Herb manuals, and many, many plant images and illustrations
Medicinal Plant Images / [J]
FTP site with hundreds of plant images (the Michael Moore collection on SunSite, N.Carolina + mirror in [J] Japan)
Howie Brounstein's Home Page
"Herbal Treats": Apprenticeships - Workshops - Catalog - Plant Lists. Good further links.
A hyper-text version of A Modern Herbal, 1931, by Mrs. M. Grieve. And much more.

Index Page 2

Last update: 16 August 1997

  • Chez Marco's Botany related URLs pg 1, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/14/1997

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