Welcome to The Internet Garden, a starting point for Internet gardening enthusiasts in search of quality information. Within the garden you'll find lots of interesting links, each hand-picked from the many thousands available across the World Wide Web for their quality of information and ease of use - so rest assured you'll have no wasted journeys, though we promise you'll still come across the slightly madcap and humorous!
The Internet Garden is also home to Gardening with Greenfingers magazine and The Cabbage Patch magazine - two quality publications that will have you glued from the first page - add a bookmark and visit them on the first of every month.
For those seeking information on cultivation or new and unusual plants there are plenty of interesting sites covering topics from fungi to fertiliser, shows to societies - and for the shopaholics amongst us we even have a Garden Centre for all your gardening needs. And if nothing else, we hope you gain inspiration enough to rush out into your own garden and participate in the world's number one pastime.