Links to Other Sites
Organic Growing Sites in Europe
- The Soil Association
- The Soil Association has always stressed the interconnectedness of all living things: soil, plant, animal and man. Keeping the balance between these elements is only possible if we farm
- Henry Doubleday
Research Association
- Department of Genetic Resources . The HDRA is Europe's
largest organisation devoted to organic gardening and dedicated to
researching, demonstrating and promoting environmentally-friendly
growing methods.
- The Centre for Alternative Technology
- We are an educational charity striving to achieve the best cooperation between the natural,
technological and human worlds. We test, live with and display strategies and tools for doing this.
We are working for a sustainable future!
- Organic Roundabout
- Organic Roundabout is the UK's largest organic produce delivery service. We deliver fresh food, from local organic farms, direct to your doorstep or a neighbourhood pick-up point - usually the day after harvest.
- Organic Food
- Choice Organics . Certification No.11UKP 080348 . Food you can trust from a Business you can rely on. Choice Organics is the leading distributor of Organic Foods and other environmentally sound products.
- Ecoweb, Denmark
- Food and ecology in Denmark. A good collection of organic material and links to other eco sites.
Organic Growing Sites Worldwide
- Texas Horticulture Program
- The information server of the Texas Horticulture Program, the combined information resources of the teaching, research, and extension programs at the Texas A&M University System. (It looks good!)
Also at this site and well worth a look.:
Crop production and gardening
Plant answers - subject index
The veg part of 'Plant Answers'
- Horticulture Information Leaflets
- Some leaflets are in Adobe Acrobat (TM) format, (other formats there also.) You will need the Acrobat Reader to view these files.
- The "Rot Web Home Composting Information Site"
- Everything you ever wanted to know about compost.... and more!
- Don't Panic Eat Organic
- Homepage Last Updated 4 July 1996 . An organic farmers
homepage! It is growing like everything else around here!
Welcome to Noah's Ark! . ...
- Companion Planting
Companion Plants . Some plants have been found to be beneficial to the growth of others, distract pests and/or lure beneficial insects (predators of pests).
- Vegetable Insects
- Aphids or Plant Lice . Aphids Tended by Ants . Asparagus Beetle - Adult . Asparagus Beetle - Larva . Banded Cucumber Beetle - Adult . Black Cutworm . Colorado Potato Beetle - Adult .
- Organic Insect Control; EPA Registered
Organic Insect Control; EPA Registered . The Environmentally Conscious Alternative for effective Pest Control .
- COGS Organic WWW Links
- Canberra Organic Growers' Society . Organic WWW Links . Last updated: 20 March 1996 .
- Recyler's World - Organic Waste & Recycling Section
Recycler's World . Organic Waste & Recycling Information.
- Organic Online: Working With Organic
Working at Organic . Organic is growing and always looking for skilled and creative people to join our team. We offer an open call for resumes for our professional positions.
- "The Organic InfoBank! "
The Organic InfoBank! " . Don't Panic! It's Organic! . Pollution does begin at home....... The Invisible Gardener's of America(tm) operate this web site .
- COGS Reference Index
Canberra Organic Growers' Society . This page is designed to facilitate one-off hits on the COGS information.
- Organic Growers Organisations in Australia
List of organisations in Australia.
- Want to Work on an Organic Farm (WWOOF)?
Canberra Organic Growers' Society Inc. Willing Workers on Organic Farms (WWOOF) .
- Soils/Fertilizers
Organic Vegetable Gardening . Soil Organic Matters...for Nematode Management . Soil Preparation and Liming . Fertilizing the Garden . Organic Vegetable Gardening .
- Organic Gardening
Essays, recipes and lots of links.
- Troy Bogdan's Home Page
Hi, Welcome to my homestead page! My name is Troy and I run a small certified organic farm in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
- Bush's Best Compost
Links to: Nitrogen Tie-Up | Cation Exchange Capacity | Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio | pH | Organic Matter Info.| Nitrogen: Organic or Synthetic | Secondary Nutrients | Micronutrients | Humus | Compost . etc
- The Organic Directory
Online Organic Directory . (This site was created on June 24th, 1996 and is in preparation) . A directory of businesses and organisations involved in the production, distribution and promotion of food.
- Organic Gardening Techniques
Ray R. Rothenberger and K. Hildahl . Department of Horticulture, University of Missouri-Columbia . The success or failure of the organic approach depends on how gardeners use and prepare organic matter.
- Eco-Home
HOME . Photovoltaics and solar hot water heater viewed from the bountiful organic garden."
- Highlights the roles of Hidden Villa. It is meant to promote environmental awareness and multicultural understanding.
- Lyme Disease
- Details of Lyme Disease, important for gardeners.
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Last updated 12 Oct