Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Christopher Robinson <>
- To: Michael Totten <>
- Cc: April Sampson-Kelly <>, "'Permacultire Mailing List'" <>, "'william thornton'" <>
- Subject: RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual"
- Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 23:55 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 22 May 1996, Michael Totten wrote:
> Having been involved through out non-profit group in producing 4
> interactive multimedia CD-ROM discs, plus a 2-floppy interactive
> multimedia program, and also being part of the growth and maintenance of
> probably the largest non-governmental Internet site on sustainable energy
> development, i come to a very different conclusion than Christopher's
> no-cd approach.
Greetings Michael,
I participant in several other lists that focus on more theoretical
themes. Often these forums can deteriorate into "my point of view can
lick your point of view" exchanges.
Before that can develop in this thread, let me say that I'm certainly not
advocating anyone's abandoning their CD-ROM projects to jump on the web
bandwagon. Rather I was pointing out that all indications are that the
web (or future manifestation of same) will become a viable conduit for
the kind of interactive multimedia productions that are now only widely
available on CD-ROM.
As late comers to the digital media game, we decided to anticipate this
advancement. At our present learning curve and funding, we're going to
need most of the interim to "consolidate our feces".
I'll bet you an organic peanut ,though, that you're overestimating the time
frame on this transformation, even in the "3rd world".
Again, the very best of luck to you.
Christopher M Robinson
The Humboldt Sustainable Community Project
The HumboldtNation <>
Re: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Thilo Pfennig, 05/10/1996
- Re: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Michael Totten, 05/10/1996
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", April Sampson-Kelly, 05/16/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
April Sampson-Kelly, 05/21/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Michael Totten, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/23/1996
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Michael Totten, 05/23/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Thilo Pfennig, 05/29/1996
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Christopher Robinson, 05/29/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/23/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Michael Totten, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/22/1996
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