Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Christopher Robinson <>
- To: April Sampson-Kelly <>
- Cc: "'Permacultire Mailing List'" <>, "'william thornton'" <>
- Subject: RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual"
- Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 21:11 -0700 (PDT)
Having followed the CD-ROM thread somewhat, I wanted to mention
the HSCP goal of producing interactive "hyper-media" projects on
permaculture, appropriate tech, sustainable ag, watershed restoration, and
related topics.
Anticipating the continued growth and data acceleration of the net, we
hope to distribute the productions on the web (or it's future
manifestation) for potential clients to download direct. We believe the
need to "burn" the script to CD will become an unnecessary step in getting
the content to folks who want it. (No, I not going to stick my neck out
with an exact time frame prediction).
Very best of luck!
Christopher M Robinson
The Humboldt Sustainable Community Project
The HumboldtNation <>
Re: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Thilo Pfennig, 05/10/1996
- Re: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Michael Totten, 05/10/1996
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", April Sampson-Kelly, 05/16/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
April Sampson-Kelly, 05/21/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Michael Totten, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/23/1996
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Michael Totten, 05/23/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Thilo Pfennig, 05/29/1996
- RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual", Christopher Robinson, 05/29/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/23/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Michael Totten, 05/22/1996
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual",
Christopher Robinson, 05/22/1996
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