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Subject: Percy-L: Literary, Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Discussion of Walker Percy
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- From: Teresa Brader <ttbrader AT>
- To: "Percy-L: Literary and Philosophical Discussion" <percy-l AT>
- Subject: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown
- Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:48:58 -0700 (PDT)
She declared a state of emergency on August 26. Is
that not soon enough?
> >From the Newsweek Article cited.
> "... Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco seemed
> uncertain and sluggish, hesitant to declare martial
> law or a state of emergency, which would have opened
the door to more Pentagon help.
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Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Henry P. Mills, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
J Rivas-Pita, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Tommy Armstrong, 09/09/2005
[percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Teresa Brader, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Tommy Armstrong, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Ken Armstrong, 09/10/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Patrick Lynch, 09/10/2005
- [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown, Teresa Brader, 09/10/2005
- Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown, Teresa Brader, 09/10/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Tommy Armstrong, 09/10/2005
- Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown, Karey, 09/10/2005
- Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown, J Rivas-Pita, 09/10/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Patrick Lynch, 09/10/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Ken Armstrong, 09/10/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Tommy Armstrong, 09/09/2005
[percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Teresa Brader, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
Tommy Armstrong, 09/09/2005
Re: [percy-l] Countdown to a Meltdown,
J Rivas-Pita, 09/09/2005
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