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nafex - Re: [NAFEX] Availability of grafting wood-my tree list for future reference

Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Sarah Kehler Ewing <>
  • To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
  • Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Availability of grafting wood-my tree list for future reference
  • Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2010 13:57:03 -0700 (PDT)

I love the idea! If you can't beat em', join em'!

I have a huge collection that hopefully will survive up here so that I can
share it. I just finished updating my lists for 2010 (for my purchases, not
for survival!) and so here it is. Please don't send me budwood requests,
most of my stuff is newly grafted so any prunings will go to my local DBG
group meeting in May.

Sarah Ewing’s Fruit Trees:

Apples: (134)
Adanac, Alberta Buff, Alberta Red, All Purple Jason Jansen, Almata, Art
Coutts, Battleford, Beautiful Arcade, BF 131, Bill’s Red Flesh, Boughen
Delight, Burgundy, Carlos Queen, Carrol, Cherry Cox, Cinnamon Spice, Collet,
Cox’s Orange Pippin, Crimson Beauty, Duchess of Oldenburg, Early Harvest,
Edmonton Early, Fall Red, Fameuse, Fort Mac Mac, Frostbite (Minnesota 447),
Garland, Gascoyne Scarlet, Gemini, Geneva, Geneva 163, Ginger Gold, Glowing
Heart, Goodland, Gravenstein Red C19, Greensweet, Hall’s Pink, Hanson’s Red
Flesh, Haralred, Haralson, Hardi Mac, Hazen, Heyer #2, Heyer #20, Hibernal,
Hiden Rose, Honeycrisp, Joyce, July Tart, Katherine, Kirk, Lee #17, Lodi,
Lubsk Queen, Luke, MacIntosh, Mac Spur, Maiden Blush, Manitoba Spy, Mantet,
Melba, McFee #1, Miami, Millstream (Simred), Morden 359, Morden 538, Moscow
Pear, Mother, Mysteria, New Brunswick, Niedzwetskyana, 922 End, Noran, Norda,
Norkent, Norland, Norlove, Norjus, OGT, Olympic,
Parkland, PF 5, Pink Beauty, Pink Pearl, Pink Pearmain, Pitmaston Pineapple,
Prairie Magic, Prairie Sensation, Prairie Sun, Princess Louise, Purple
Passion, Quinte, Rail Road, Ranetka, Red Astrachan, Red Atlas, Red Duchess,
Red Flesh, Red Glow, Red Pippin, Red Wonder, Redant, Redfree, Redwell,
Ribston, Saint Lawrence, Sandra, Scarlet Surprize, September Ruby (Ruby
Red), September Scarlet, Shelley, Simonette 1847, SK Prairie Sun, Skiba,
State Fair, Summer Red, Sunnybrook, Sunrise, Takas’s, Tolman Sweet, Trust,
Valentine, Vick’s Pick, Vista Bella, Wealthy, Westland, Williams, William’s
Pride, Winekist, Wodarz, Y6211, Yellow Transparent, Zaychuk #1, Zestar.

Apple-crabs/Crab-apples: (14)
Autumn Arctic, Brandywine, Breaky, Centennial, Chestnut, Crab #6, Dolgo,
Geneva Crab, Kerr, Red Wonder, Rosybrook, Trail, Trailman, Wickson.

Pears: (53)
Anjou, Beedle, Blood, Bogataya, Bokaya, Bolshaya, Clapp’s Favorite, Coutts
#27, Coutts #28, Curly Pear, Decabrinka, Early Gold, Federovski, Flemish
Beauty, Golden Spice, Hayatama, John, Kenko, Kikusui, Kransobokaya, Krazulya,
Krazura, Loma, Loving, Luscious, Martin, Menie, Montreal Bosc, Northbrite,
Nova, Oval, Ovalkaya, Parker, Parklot, Patten, Phillip, Prairie Sweet,
Ritson, Roppo, Sauvignac, Self Fertile Summer, Shinseiki, Simone East,
Simonet, Skazolhnaya, So Sweet, Summercrisp, Tait-Dropmore, Thean, Thomas,
Ure, Vekovaya, Westfort.

Cherries: (21)
Black Nanking, Cerise de L’Ile, Evan’s, Giant Nanking, Lake Black Cherry,
Lapins, Lee’s Black Flowering Nanking, July Red, Mesabi, Maza, Mazy, Pink
Candles Nanking, Rose, Raven Black Cherry, Schatten Morello, SK Carmine
Jewel, SK Crimson Passion, SK Cupid, SK Julliette, SK Romeo, SK Valentine,

Apricots: (11)
Capilano, Cowley, Goldrich, Harcot, Lorraine, Manchurian, Morden 604,
Precious, Scout, Sunshine Farm, Westcot.

Plums: (24)
Auenbacher Prune, BF 91, Blue Damson, Brookgold, Brookred, Fofonoff,
Greengage, Grenville, Ivanovka, La Crescent, Lee Red, Mt. Royal, Norther,
Patterson Pride, Pembina, Pipestone, Ptitsen #10, Sprout’s Sunshine, Supreme,
Tecumseh, Toka, Wagenheim Prune, White Damson, Zapie.

Peaches : (3) Bailey, Chui Lum Tao, Tzim Pee Tao,

Plumcots: (3) Aprico, Yuksa, Simon

Cherry Plums: (7) Convoy, Dura, Manor, New Oka, Opata, Ruby, Sapa.

Honeyberries : (16) Blue Belle, Berry Blue, Blue Bird, Blue Velvet, Blue
Pear, Borealis, Cinderella, Opal, Polar Night , Polar Jewel, Svetlana,
Tundra, Wild Honey, Honey Sweet, 9-15, 9-91.

Grapes: (15) Beta, Bluebell, F-130, Fredondia, Frontenac, Germanica ,
Kandiyohi, Kay Gray, Minnesota 78, Montreal Blue, Native, Prairie Star,
Somerset, St. Pepin, Valiant.

zone 3
Edmonton, AB

I like the idea (I forget who mentioned it originally) of lobbying to get
> recognized as a legit research organization in order to make sure folks in
> Canada & UK have the kind of access we do here in the US.

> > Why not create an official web based organization of
> researchers/breeders who exist as a wide decentralized network of next
> genearation sustainable horticulture?  We can give each other official
> sounding titles like "Director of northwest operations for cherry plum
> genetic disemination and exploration"  We could use that kind of networking
> anyway.  perhaps NAFEX could spearhead that effort
> > Justin

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