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nafex - Re: [NAFEX] grow tubes / dormancy

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  • From: mIEKAL aND <>
  • To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
  • Subject: Re: [NAFEX] grow tubes / dormancy
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 12:45:38 -0600

I have a plague of rabbits in my gardens & if I didnt have tree tubes I wouldn't have any trees left. I havent had any problems with leaving the tubes on for 2-4 years, tho the tubes are on the older trees mostly because I havent had time to cut them away. Ive also noticed on faster growing trees like juglan & prunus, the tubes just split down the side & fall away. Also many years ago I did some tests with tubes, chicken wire & nothing & everything except for blueberries was 2-3 times larger in the tubes.

One thing about the 2ft tubes. One winter we had a regular amount of snow here, meaning that when the rabbits were running around looking for something to eat, the snow put them high enough in the air so they could girdle most of the one & 2 year old seedlings. In some ways I found this pruning desirable, because the following spring they all put out a good flush of new branches.


On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 12:35 PM, del stubbs wrote:

A generous nafexer donated a couple hundred grow tubes to our tree growing efforts here. Actually they are recycled tubes from some industrial application, heavy wall, translucent plastic 5" x 2'.
I have been told it is not a good idea to leave them on even year old whips through the dormanting season, because they will not harden off as well as if they had been fully exposed to the oncoming winter.
Snow and low 20'sF is the forcast here this week.
However, I have such a vole chewing problem that I am tempted to leave them on. I eventually depend on window screen for vole protection, but doubt I can get a couple hundred screen tubes in place by freeze-up this fall.
I'd like some opinions from folk out there on the subject of grow tubes and achieving full dormancy, or other winter concerns, thanks!, Del

Del Stubbs ag zone2/3

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