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- From: "Mark Lee" <>
- To: "North American Fruit Explorers" <>
- Subject: RE: [NAFEX] Re: olive trees found in Bulgaria
- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 09:36:13 -0800
Title: Re: olive trees found in Bulgaria
I asked the guy in Bulgaria if there was a possiblity that the tree was a
Russian Olive (Eleagnus). His reply was "These two may look the same to
Russians, but trust me, I can very well distinguish them. And I think that a
closer look to the second
photo should clear up any
doubts. I will make better photos and will post them to my
site next
So I
checked out his site at More good stuff on cold
hardy olives was found there...
"The winter 2001/2002 was very good for cold hardy plants hunters.
What I did was to visit all places with low extremes where olives are grown.
During that winter there was an anticyclone in southern Bulgaria and northern
Greece and in these areas the whole month December 2001 was the coldest on
record. I've been told many times before about many olive varieties
that they are very cold hardy. All of these varieties freeze to the ground each
year. After this cold winter I found 6-7 really hardy varieties, the others just
did not survive. (picture shows Olea europea
garden in northern Greece, zone 8b.) Different varieties were planted for better
polination. Only the cold hardy varieties have survived the low of -20°C (-4°F).
They were untouched and produced normal fruit crop in the next year 2002. Those,
which froze later sprouted from the
Anyone want to take a trip to Bulgaria
and bring back olive trees to share?
-Mark Lee, Seattle,
-----Original Message-----Though I've never tried propagating olives, they were traditionally grown from rooted cuttings. They were brought into cultivation very early and that is one earmark of just about all the first fruits to be cultivated - they would grow from cuttings, plants like figs, grapes, and olives. Historically, the Romans planted many olive orchards that way - long cuttings were thrust into the ground and kept watered and cared for, and they would root and grow. With that in mind, I would imagine that olive cuttings would probably root pretty well with bottom heat in a light, well-drained medium.
From: []On Behalf Of Lon J. Rombough
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:31 PM
Cc: Hector Black
Subject: [NAFEX] Re: olive trees found in Bulgaria
-Lon RomboughGrapes, writing, consulting, my book, The Grape Grower, at
From: hector black <>
Reply-To: hector black <>, North American Fruit Explorers <>Hector Black, zone 6 middle TN
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:56:42 -0800
To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
Subject: Re: [NAFEX] olive trees found in Bulgaria at -4'F
I'll be dipped! That really does look like an olive. I don't know anything about propagation. Any information about the size and quality of the fruit? With global warming, we should be able to grow them in many places although I know they don't like high humidity. I have a correspondent in Croatia who told me about a hardy olive they had, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it. Maybe in Bulgaria?? That's a great find, in any case, Mark. Must be something, somewhere on propagation - California Rare Fruit Growers should have some info.
[NAFEX] Re: olive trees found in Bulgaria,
Lon J. Rombough, 02/27/2003
- RE: [NAFEX] Re: olive trees found in Bulgaria, Mark Lee, 02/28/2003
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