Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- Subject: Re: [nafex] vole surprise
- Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 13:13:00 -0500
Wow! What a bummer. You must be mad as hell at those rodents. All
your hard work! My orchard is 5 years old and I have stopped wrapping
them for the winter but your tale of woe is giving me pause.
Phil Norris
Blue Hill Maine Z4
On Monday, November 5, 2001, at 07:11 AM, victoria l. caron wrote:
> What a surprise I had yesterday when I went out to put on mouse guards
> in my small nursery. I was so happy to have a chance to do it,
> especially on a day when the weather was not bad. Usually I get it done
> closer to Thanksgiving and freeze my hands. Last year, I hardly managed
> to get any wrapped, only the hardest to replace. Also, last year the
> voles got ALL my carrots which are in the same plot as the nursery.
> Despite the fact that the trees were largely unprotected, I had no vole
> damage this spring except for one tree on the other side of the house.
> It was the closest tree to the gravel drive with no grass or anything
> around it and it was completely girdled. I bridged it and it continues
> to grow.
> Yesterday, I found over 40 of the 100 or so trees I wrapped already
> girdled! There doesn't seem to be a common link anywhere as far as
> weeds/no weeds, age or location of the trees. One complete row that was
> pre sold is gone! I wrapped them all anyway, with a vengeance. Those
> little suckers are not getting one more bite!
> vic NH zone 3
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[nafex] vole surprise,
victoria l. caron, 11/05/2001
Re: [nafex] vole surprise,
Phil Norris, 11/05/2001
- Re: [nafex] vole surprise, victoria l. caron, 11/05/2001
Re: [nafex] vole surprise,
Phil Norris, 11/05/2001
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