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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] mulching garlic

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  • From: Randy James <gliderflyer AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] mulching garlic
  • Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 07:51:46 -0800

We have (4) 120' beds of garlic that we need to get mulched also. We have access to borrow a 3 point chipper/shredder designed for tree prunings and such. Any thoughts on how well it would chop up straw?


> I mulch ~3,000 row ft. with hand spread straw. Next year I will use a
> straw chopper on a 3 pt mount (would have used it this year, but it
> needs to have the engine fixed).
> Andy
> Richard Robinson wrote:
> > My garlic is all mulched with bagged leaves, but I wonder how others do this, especially those of you who grow a hundred feet or more of row. And do large-scale commercial garlic farmers mulch, or do they grow where the ground never freezes?
> >
> > Richard, curious in the zone 5/6 rural suburbs of Boston
> >

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