market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
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- From: road's end farm <organic101 AT>
- To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
- Subject: Re: [Market-farming] hoes
- Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 12:47:56 -0500
On Mar 13, 2005, at 12:29 PM, TxBeeFarmer wrote:
We're talking serious hoes now.
Mark (West Texas Zone 7b)
Yup. Those are grub hoes; and a nice selection of them, too. I've got a couple, and they are available a number of places. They're great for an entirely out of control situation, and/or an occasional spectacularly stubborn weed (a young tree or old grapevine, for instance, that managed to survive preliminary tillage). You can take a good hard swing with lots of muscle behind it and not break them. But they're not what I want for small to moderate sized annual weeds in a series of long rows; they'd probably move a lot more soil than necessary (thereby bringing up more weed seed into the germination zone); and they'd certainly wear me out a lot faster, as they're a much heavier tool used as a chopper.
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
road's end farm, 03/12/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
Willie McKemie, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
road's end farm, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
TxBeeFarmer, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
road's end farm, 03/13/2005
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, TxBeeFarmer, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
road's end farm, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
TxBeeFarmer, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
road's end farm, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
TxBeeFarmer, 03/13/2005
Message not available
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, road's end farm, 03/13/2005
Message not available
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, Joan Vibert, 03/14/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
Willie McKemie, 03/13/2005
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, MIDWESTSMITTY, 03/13/2005
- [Market-farming] hoes, road's end farm, 03/13/2005
Re: [Market-farming] hoes,
ljm7788, 03/14/2005
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, road's end farm, 03/14/2005
- Re: [Market-farming] hoes, Willie McKemie, 03/14/2005
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