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market-farming - Re: Transporting to market (was Farmers Market Display ...)

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: Marcie Rosenzweig <fullcircle AT>
  • To: "market farming" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: Transporting to market (was Farmers Market Display ...)
  • Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 13:01:03 -0800

Holly et al,

We bought a very used 18 passenger van. Pulled the seats out and put in a
false floor. Our market umbrellas (distinguishes us from the EZ ups)
tables (drilled with umbrella holes) umbrella stands, signage holders,
rubber mats to stand on, and scale holder all go under the false floor, so
we can set up without moving the produce twice. Cooler sits at the back
door. Other produce is accessible through the side door.

We built a couple of "cold boxes" out of rigid foam insulation and duct
tape. 2'x4'x2' with a "hinged" lid. We recycle 1 gallon water jugs
through our chest freezer in the barn. Two frozen jugs keeps chilled
greens cool and in good shape not only to the market but during the market.
We also take squirt bottles to mist the produce during market. Greens are
packed in tall kitchen garbage bags in market table quantities. We only
open one bag of each at a time.

We're at 100° at noon somedays during the summer.

>Speaking of which, how do you transport the goods? The only farmers
>markets that are worthwhile for me to go to are an hour and a half and
>an hour away. That's quite a distance to transport veggies in high
>summer in Missouri!

Marcie A. Rosenzweig
Full Circle Organic Farm
Auburn, CA

  • Re: Transporting to market (was Farmers Market Display ...), Marcie Rosenzweig, 02/04/2000

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