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livingontheland - [Livingontheland] healthy eating for weight loss and wellness

Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: Ken Hargesheimer <>
  • To: Healthy soil and sustainable growing <>
  • Subject: [Livingontheland] healthy eating for weight loss and wellness
  • Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 13:18:30 -0700 (PDT)

EAT: [organic if possible.  From: garden, CSAs, farmers, ranchers, farmer's markets, farm stands]

  1. Bread, tortillas:  100% whole grain
  2. Butter
  3. Cereals:  100% whole grain
  4. Chocolate: natural dark
  5. Coffee
  6. Dairy [grass fed]:  whole milk, cream, cheese, yogurt, full-cream powdered milk.
  7. Eggs [free range]
  8. Fish: farm raised?
  9. Fruit:  fresh, frozen, canned, dried
  10. Grains:  whole
  11. Juices:  pure fruit
  12. Lard
  13. Meat [grass fed,]:  fresh, frozen, canned
  14. Nuts
  15. Oils:  unrefined, cold pressed
  16. Pasta:  100% whole grain
  17. Poultry [range raised]
  18. Sugar:  Deremara
  19. Tea
  20. Vegetables:  fresh, frozen, canned, dried

RARELY EAT: [read labels]

  1. Chips/snacks
  2. Corn syrup
  3. Fast food [most but not all]
  4. Fried foods [only at home]
  5. Frozen dinners
  6. Processed foods
  7. Salt
  8. Soft drinks

NEVER EAT: [read labels]

  2. Brominated vegetable oil [BVO]
  3. Colors, artificial
  4. Energy drinks
  5. Flavorings, artificial
  6. Flour - bleached
  7. Food dyes
  8. Food from China
  9. Fruit drinks
  10. Genetically modified [GMOs]: Hawaii pineapples, Aspartame, AminoSweet, MSG, etc.
  11. HF corn syrup [Corn Sugar]
  12. Hydrogenated oils: Crisco, etc.
  13. MSG [names such as natural, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, yeast, malt flavoring, yeast extract, textured protein, etc]
  14. Nitrates/nitrites
  15. Oils: cottonseed, palm
  16. Olestra
  17. Packaged cereals
  18. Packaged mixes
  19. Salt
  20. Sweeteners: Aspartame, AminoSweet, Equal, NutraSweet, Saccharin, Sweet'n Low, Sucralose, Splenda, Sorbitol, etc.
  21. Vegetable drinks


  1. Article:  "What Really Makes US Fat" Mother Earth News, Oct/Nov 2008  [$1 ppd]
  2. Book:  "Eat Fat; Lose Fat" $11.
  3. DVD: "Food Inc" - factory dairies, poultry, etc.
  4. Toxic America, CNN, Dr. Gupta [$3 ppd.]


In the supermarket, do not use a cart [must for junk food]; use only a hand basket [large enough for real food].



  1. New borns pre-polluted with chemicals.
  2. Constipation - 1 T or more unhulled, organic Sesame seed per day.
  3. DVD: "Flu Factories" Boy near Mexican pig factory [American owned] was first case.  [$3 ppd]


Ken Hargesheimer,


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