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livingontheland - Re: [Livingontheland] lamb's quarters question

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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: Pumpkin Lady <>
  • To:, Healthy soil and sustainable growing <>
  • Subject: Re: [Livingontheland] lamb's quarters question
  • Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 09:28:13 -0500

Ken Hargesheimer wrote:
Lamb's quarter is of the same family as Amarath which is used all
over the world. Two strains of it: one is for the leaves and the
other for the grain. Some for both. Seeds are so tiny. Amarath
has red in the young leaves.

Umm... are you sure about that? Amaranth is Amaranthus and Lamb's Quarters are Chenopoduim. LQ are related to Quinoa, although all the pictures of Quinoa grain I see has it being tan and my LQ seeds are definitely black.

20 years ago I was given some seed for a leaf variety and planted it
in the alley. Comes up every year. It is now about eight feet tall
and producing seed. In fact, it comes up everywhere due to the
birds scattering the seed.

This I believe, for either one of them. Both of them comprise a large part of what most Lubbock homeowners call "weeds" ;-)

In Mexico, one can purchased "candy" made of the seed and with
nuts. Love it. Not as widely available is in years passed.

Amaranth seed, you mean, right? I've never seen the candy but I have a couple of recipes. The seeds are popped and then mixed with honey and other things depending on the recipe.

Morgan, who still hasn't a clue when to cut this stuff. the seed heads are full AFAICT, but *shrug* I guess I'll cut a lot just before the first frost.

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