Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing
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- From: "Tradingpost" <>
- To:
- Subject: [Livingontheland] ONIONS!
- Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:25:25 -0600
We're thinking onions today because we pulled the first few dozen to start
curing in the shade for market soon. We disagree with some of the below
experts; with red onions we do bend them over to speed up top drying before
harvesting. Interesting, today Emeril said he can't understand why Americans
don't prefer red onions all the time since they do in Europe. Well, we do
focus on Old World varieties for several vegetables. And couldn't get better
results in every way.
Varieties | When to Plant | Spacing & Depth | Care | Harvesting | Common
Problems | Growing Q&A | Selection & Storage | Nutrition & Health | Preparing
& Serving | Home Preservation | Recipes
Onion is a cool-season vegetable that can be grown successfully throughout
most of temperate North America. Onions may be grown from sets, transplants
or seeds.
Onions start bulb formation when the day length is of the proper duration and
different varieties of onions require different day lengths to initiate
bulbing. In general, most common varieties fall into one of two classes,
long-day (for northern latitudes) and short-day (for southern latitudes). For
this reason, onion varieties that are grown in the South are not adaptable to
the North and vice versa. Late plantings of the suggested varieties also
result in small bulbs or lack of bulbing altogether in any location.
High temperatures and low humidity are advantageous during bulbing and
curing. Onions have shallow roots and compete poorly with weeds and grasses.
Timely shallow hoeing and cultivation are important, especially when the
onions are small.
Onions may be eaten raw, broiled, boiled, baked, creamed, steamed, fried,
french fried and pickled. They are used in soups and stews and combination
with vegetables and meats.
Onions From Sets
Growing green onions from sets is probably the simplest method for the home
gardener. The plants are quickly established and become vigorous and strong.
Onion sets may be used to produce both green onions and dry onion bulbs,
though production of really premium dry onions requires methods described in
the following section.
Onions from Transplants
Transplanting young onion seedlings is the method of growing that most
regularly produces large, dry, attractive onions for slicing (as shown in
catalog pictures). Transplants are purchased in bundles (usually 60 to 80
plants) from garden stores and through seed and nursery catalogs (though
mail-order onion plants often cost as much as buying the 60 to 80 full-size
mature bulbs they may produce).
Recommended Varieties
Several varieties are used for onion sets. All of these varieties are widely
adaptable. The home gardener has little choice of varieties at the store,
however, because sets are seldom sold under varietal names, merely by color:
yellow, white or red. Yellow sets are sometimes sold as the varieties
Ebenezer or Stuttgarter.
Purchase firm, dormant sets early - before they begin growth in heated
salesrooms. Store sets in a cool, dry, dark environment if planting must be
delayed after purchase. Divide the sets into two sizes before planting. Large
sets (larger than a dime in diameter) are best used for green onions. If
allowed to grow, these sets may "bolt" and form flower stalks. The small sets
(smaller than a dime in diameter) produce the best bulbs for large, dry
onions; and they usually do not "bolt." Extremely cold weather during early
season growth also may condition onions from sets to flower.
Round onion sets produce flat onions; elongated or torpedo-shaped sets mature
into round onions. Most gardeners prefer white sets for green onions,
although red or yellow sets are also acceptable.
Onions From Transplants
Gardeners should try to match varieties to their location. Long-day onions
are bred for best performance in the North and short-day varieties perform
best in southern locations. Short-day varieties may perform acceptably in the
North if the plants can be set out very early in the season. Long-day types
may not get the bulbing signal in the Deep South and so should be avoided
The normal gardencenter may offer Yellow and White Sweet Spanish (long-day
varieties), Yellow and White Bermuda (short-day varieties and a red variety
that may or may not be named (Southport Red Globe, perhaps; a long-day
variety). Catalog shoppers may choose from a slightly wider variety
selection, which may include Texas Grano (short- day), Vidalia Sweet (really
a Granex hybrid, short-day), Red Hamburger (short-day), Walla Walla Sweet
(long-day) and Texas 1015Y Supersweet (short-day). Prices normally are two to
three times as high through catalog sales and may be as much as ten times as
high. Only individual consumers can judge if this cost is justified for
trying a new variety.
When to Plant
Onions can be planted as soon as the garden can be tilled in the spring,
usually late March or early April in prime regions for producing onions. Good
fertility, adequate soil moisture and cool temperatures aid development.
Spacing & Depth
To produce green onions, plant the larger sets 1 _ inches deep and close
enough to touch one another (green onions are harvested before crowding
becomes a problem). To produce dry onions, plant the smaller sets 1 inch
deep, with 2 to 4 inches between sets. Allow 12 to 18 inches between rows. If
sets are 2 inches apart, harvest every other plant as green onions so that
bulb development of the remaining sets is not impeded by neighboring plants.
Onions from Transplants
Plant in fertile soil in early spring. Space the plants 4 to 5 inches apart
in the row to produce large-sized bulbs (closer spacing significantly
decreases bulb size) or space 2 to 2 _ inches apart and harvest every other
plant as a green onion. Allow 12 to 18 inches between rows or space onions 6
to 8 inches apart in all directions in beds. Set the transplants 1 to 1 _
inches deep and apply 1 cup per plant of a starter-fertilizer solution.
Keep onions free from weeds by shallow cultivation and hoeing. To develop
long, white stems for green onions, slightly hill the row by pulling the
loose soil toward the onions with a hoe when the tops are 4 inches tall. Do
not hill onions that are to be used as dry onions. Hilling may cause the
necks of the stored bulb to rot.
Onions from Transplants
Weeds and grass compete with the onion plants for nutrients and moisture
during the growing season. Remove all weeds and grass by diligent and
repeated shallow cultivation and hoeing. Side-dressing with fertilizer may be
Pull green onions anytime after the tops are 6 inches tall. Green onions
become stronger in flavor with age and increasing size. They may be used for
cooking when they are too strong to eat raw. Though leaves are traditionally
discarded, all parts above the roots are edible.
Remove any plants that have formed flower stalks and use immediately. They do
not produce good bulbs for dry storage. Harvest in late July or early August,
when most of the tops have fallen over. Allow the plants to mature and the
tops to fall over naturally. Breaking over the tops early interrupts growth,
causing smaller bulbs that do not keep as well in storage.
Pull the mature onions in the morning and allow the bulbs to air dry in the
garden until late afternoon. On especially hot, bright, sunny days, the bulb
may sunburn. On days when this is likely, remove onions to a shaded location
and allow them to dry thoroughly. Then, before evening dew falls, place them
under dry shelter on elevated slats or screens or hang them in small bunches.
Tops may be braided or tied with string before hanging. Full air circulation
for 2 to 3 weeks is necessary for complete drying and curing. Keep the dry
wrapper scales as intact as possible on the bulbs, as they enhance the
keeping ability.
After the bulbs dry, cut the tops 1 _ to 2 inches long (at or above the
narrow spot where the stem bent over), and place the bulb in dry storage with
good air circulation. Do not try to store bulbs that are bruised, cut or
diseased, or those with green tops or thick necks. Store under cool, dry
conditions. Dry onions may keep until late winter, but check them regularly
and use or discard those that begin to soften or rot.
Onions from Transplants
The earlier varieties are usually ready to harvest in July, with later
varieties maturing into August. When most of the tops have fallen over, the
onions may be pulled and dried (refer back to Harvesting under "Onions From
Sets"). The length of storage time varies with the variety, with the sweeter
varieties usually being the poorer keepers.
Common Problems
Above 40 degrees north latitude, root maggots may attack the roots of onion
Questions & Answers
Q. I harvested my onions in late summer and they began to rot by fall. Why?
A. Onions may rot at either the base or neck. Rotting at the base may be
caused by soilborne fungi or carelessness in harvesting and handling, but it
is usually caused by damage from root maggots. If onion bulbs rot at the
neck, either they have been cured insufficiently before storage or the leaves
have been severely infected by fungi during the growing season. Onions that
were "hilled" or covered with soil before harvest often start to rot soon
after harvest. Many of the "sweet" varieties are very poor keepers and should
be enjoyed fresh soon after harvest, as no method of storage keeps them from
rotting for very long.
Q. What happens when onions are broken over?
A. They stop bulb development at that point and may be immature. As a result,
they do not cure or dry properly. In some cases, the rings also separate,
yielding bulbs of poor quality.
Q. My parents came from Europe, where they braided the tops of onions. Why
are onions braided.
A. Onions are braided for curing and storage. After the tops are air dried,
they are braided and the onions are hung in a dry, sheltered location with
good air circulation. Incorporating twine with the braiding adds strength.
Individual onions may be cut from the braided "rope" as needed, leaving the
rest of the braid intact.
Q. My grandparents grew winter onions. Can I grow these?
A. Yes. Hardy through most of the country, winter onions (Egyptian or walking
onions) are planted from sets formed at the tops of the plant in place of
flowers. Plant the sets 1 inch deep during August. Space sets 4 to 5 inches
apart. The clump also may be divided in early spring (March or April) and
transplanted in the same manner as other onion plants. In either case, be
sure to place the winter onion bed at the side or end of your garden because
these onions are perennials. Sets are available from a limited number of seed
houses and can usually be obtained from other gardeners in the area.
Q. How do I grow multiplier onions?
A. Multiplier onions (sometimes referred to as "potato onions") are planted
and handled in exactly the same manner as shallots. True multiplier onions,
like winter onions, are difficult to obtain, though some specialty seed
houses have begun to stock these old-style crops again. They are not normally
grown from seeds.
Selection & Storage
Onions are the single most important ingredient a cook can have on hand. What
versatility– choose from sweet, sharp, mild, or pungent. Because the onion
family is so diverse (chives, scallions, leeks, shallots, garlic, red onions,
yellow onions, and white onions), this discussion will be limited to
scallions, green garden onions and mature garden onions.
Scallions and Green Onions
Scallions can be harvested any time they look tall enough to use. Gently pull
or dig well below the slender white portion when the leaves are 8 to 10
inches high. True scallions have no bulb. Select healthy bright green tops
that look crisp.
Green onions or spring onions are a step above scallions although the terms
are often used interchangeably. They have a 1-2 inch bulb with green tops.
The smaller bulbs are sweet while the larger ones are more pungent. Left in
the ground longer, the bulb will develop and become larger.
Scallions and green onions are best harvested as you use them. For longer
storage, rinse soil from bulbs and dry, peeling away the first layer if
necessary, trim roots and store in the refrigerator for up to a week in
perforated plastic bags.
Mature Onions
Mature garden onions are ready for harvesting when the green top withers,
falls over and starts to turn brown. This usually happens in mid to late
summer. Be sure to harvest before the fall rains, mature onions will rot
quickly in cool, wet soil.
Lay mature onions in a single layer on newspaper in a warm, well ventilated
place to cure for a few days. Leave undisturbed until the outer skin becomes
papery and crispy dry. Select unbruised onions, rub off the stringy roots,
and braid the tops. Hang in bunches or place in mesh bags and hang away from
moisture. If stored in a dry cool place (50 to 60 degrees), they will keep
for months.
Nutritional Value & Health Benefits
All members of the onion family offer some protection against heart disease.
Research suggests that oils in onions (as well as other members of the onion
family) help to lower LDL in the blood stream while increasing HDL levels.
Mature, dry onions are also a good source of fiber. Only scallions and green
onions contain vitamin A.
Nutrition FactsNutrition Facts
(1/2 cup fresh green onions, chopped)
Calories 13
Dietary Fiber 1.2 grams
Protein 0.9 grams
Carbohydrates 2.8 mg
Vitamin A 2,500 IU
Vitamin C 22.5 mg
Iron 0.9 mg
(1/2 cup chopped, mature onions)
Dietary Fiber2 grams
Protein1 gram
Carbohydrates 6.6 grams
Vitamin C6 mg
Vitamin B60.2 mg
Preparation & Serving
Why do onions make you cry? When you cut into an onion, the cell walls are
damaged releasing a sulfur compound called propanethial-S-oxide which floats
into the air. This compound is converted to sulfuric acid when it comes in
contact with water which is why it stings your eyes. Chilling inactivates the
propanethial-S-oxide so it does not float into the air. Thus, no tears.
To keep eyes dry when chopping onions, try chilling peeled onions in the
refrigerator before chopping. To get the onion smell off your hands, rub with
lemon juice or vinegar. To freshen onion breath, chew a little parsley or a
coffee bean.
Home Preservation
There is no successful way to preserve scallions and green onions for more
than a few days. However, mature onions can be dried and hung in mesh bags or
braided together and stored in a cool (50 to 60 degrees) for several months.
Onion and Celery Seed Relish
1 cup white wine vinegar or distilled white vinegar
2 tablespoons confectionersÂ’ (powdered) sugar
2 tablespoons celery seeds
2 cups thinly sliced small onions, no green tops
1 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
In a salad bowl, stir together the vinegar and sugar until the sugar
dissolves. Add the celery seed, onions, and celery and mix well until
combined. Cover and chill several hours or overnight. Serve very cold. Serve
on sandwiches, as a side for any meal, or mix with your favorite lettuce
salad. Makes 3 cups.
Serving Suggestions for Fresh Greens/Scallions
Take one cup chopped or sliced green onions and scallions and saute-braise
them in one tablespoon each of butter and olive oil. Cook slowly until
softened and slightly golden. As the onions cook the flavor mellows, yet it
Grilled green onions -- Wash and trim 6 to 8 green onions. Place on a sheet
of aluminum foil. Squeeze the juice of half a lime over onions. Sprinkle with
1/2 teaspoon of dried thyme, salt and pepper to taste. Seal foil around
onions. Place on the grill, on the side away from direct heat or over low
coals. Grill for 30 minutes. Serve with other grilled foods. Delicious.
Chop fresh scallions and use to top beans, fresh lettuce salads, or use to
perk up and add crunch to any cooked vegetable.
[Livingontheland] ONIONS!,
Tradingpost, 07/19/2008
Re: [Livingontheland] ONIONS!,
Liz, 07/19/2008
- Re: [Livingontheland] ONIONS!, Gail Hoskisson Loper, 07/20/2008
- Re: [Livingontheland] ONIONS!, pete, 07/20/2008
Re: [Livingontheland] ONIONS!,
Liz, 07/19/2008
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