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homestead - Re: [Homestead] are your children's minds safe in school?

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  • From: "Lynda" <lurine AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] are your children's minds safe in school?
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 11:27:55 -0800

It has been a convenient way to keep the sheople in line by using the whole repub/dem thing to keep them from looking at the whole picture. Power has nothing to do with a specific party. It has to do with power, pure and simple.

BOTH, or should I say ALL of the parties are about one thing and one thing only regardless of what they spew to the media -- POWER. *Their* ideas. Not the voters, not the good of the country, their egos and that's it.

I'm confused. Where does driver's ed come in? Out here it was cut because of funding. There weren't any protests against it. In fact just the opposite by both parents and teachers.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are
to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Theordore
Roosevelt, 1918.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>

So if this has been going on since Coolidge, it's not a rep/dem plot...they
are ALL in on it. Why would Reagan be supporting such a socialist idea? Who
is behind it?

Is drivers ed another one of the evil socialist plots, like sex ed? I
thought the 'resistors' to sex ed were the right-wing ultra-religious who
didn't want their kids to know anything about sex.

Lynn Wigglesworth

----- Original Message ----- From: "Leslie" <cayadopi AT>
To: <homestead AT>
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:01 AM
Subject: [Homestead] are your children's minds safe in school?

Source: One Nation, Under Siege, Disk 2

There is a lot of stuff in this video that demands attention. The below are
just a few points made by one of the people interviewed, Charlotte Iserbyt.

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America". She
was the Senior Policy Advisor US Dept of Education under the Reagan
Administration where she had access to all of the documentation relating to
the restructuring of American education and also global education.

She was trained to idententify the resistors......... The resistors to sex
ed, drug ed, alcohol ed, suicide ed... those good smart americans who
realize that anything that has the word education hanging off the end of it
is probably not what they are looking for. She was trained to identify them,
and get them to join them (i.e. the restructuring of education).

She was pretty upset that people were being trained to identify the
resistors. She took the training manual home. Unbelievable examples to con
the resistors over to the other side. Trained to identify high profile
people and con them over to believing to the new education programs. Get
them, then get the newspapers to support.

She informs that Professor Benjamin Bloom is probably the most important
behaviorial scientist to ever live, although not as important as Pavlov or
Skinner. He implemented the system of education in the United States. He
authored The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. All teachers have to go
thru that. relates that the purpose of education is not to teach kids
reading, 'riting and 'rithmatic; the purpose of education is to change the
thoughts acttions and feelings of students. He defines good teaching as
challenging the students' fixed beliefs, to change their beliefs through
challenging them. He can take a student from one belief to his belief in one

They teach common unity - there is no role for the individual. They are
teaching soviet system of community - communes. Communist system of work
force training.Total control. Warns about funding for churches from
government, because then gov't shoves total control down thru them to their
church members or gov't money cut off.

This has been going on since Coolidge. The goal is total dictatorship.

Thesis, not ok to steal..
Anti-Thesis, ok to steal.
Then thru sensitivity training, etc. they merge the two and it becomes
sometimes it is ok to steal. If your mother is poor, and she can't afford
her medicine it is ok to steal from the rich person. She related one thing
along these lines, where their social studies curriculum included taking the
very young children out of field trips and having them identify rich houses
and poor houses, the rich eat steak, the poor eat hotdogs; what did you eat
today, is that fair. They bombard them with pictures of starving kids, etc.
They break them down emotionally.

She states that most of the teachers are so brainwashed already they have no
idea this has happened. They can not recognize it.

She stated the goal is to make eight regional world socialist areas and then
to merge them together into one world government, one world dictatorship.

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