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- From: bobf <bobford79 AT>
- To: Clansgian AT, homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] big agri-biz - James - The end ?
- Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 17:34:30 -0800 (PST)
Did you forget something?
--- On Fri, 12/19/08, Clansgian AT <Clansgian AT> wrote:
> From: Clansgian AT <Clansgian AT>
> Subject: Re: [Homestead] big agri-biz - James - The end ?
> To: bobford79 AT
> Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 6:27 PM
> > James; all you needed to do was apologize and begin to
> behave yourself.
> > But, no , you are intent on embaressing yourself
> more. In your non- answer,
> > your answer is still that you are counting on luck or
> on those of us who pay
> > taxes to carry you if you have a major medical
> liability. Yiou should 'never'
> > lecture anyone on self-reliance. You are not
> credible.
> >
> > Why are you counting my posts, by the way? Why am I
> so important to you?
> >
> > James, treat me and all others with repesct from now
> on, and I will return
> > the favor. Continue your non-sense and I will
> continue to show you for what
> > you are. Many good smart people left this list
> because of your negative,
> > pouty, sulking, behavior. I am one that allowed you
> to continue with your
> > boorish behavior. No more.
> >
> > I have had dozens of employees like you , over the
> years. You always think
> > you are smarter than the boss, but can never figure
> out why you aren't the
> > boss. So, you spend all of your energy putting down
> and wishing bad things on
> > those who have experienced the success that escaped
> you. That is a soul-less
> > way to spend energy.
> >
> > As I wrote, be polite from now on, and I will respond
> in kind. Now, let it
> > go............................
Re: [Homestead] big agri-biz - James - The end ?,
Clansgian, 12/19/2008
- Re: [Homestead] big agri-biz - James - The end ?, bobf, 12/19/2008
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Homestead] big agri-biz - James - The end ?, bobf, 12/19/2008
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