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- From: bob ford <bobford79 AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars
- Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 04:20:02 -0800 (PST)
I didn't watch the show and don't know much about the whaling issue except
for my idea that whales are too magnificent to hunt. I wouldn't hunt a
Grizzly or a Polar Bear or a lion, or a tiger, either.
But, what these guys did, it would seem to me, is piracy. Pirates can be
dealt with with deadly force. Maybe filming their tv special is worth dying
for , I don't know ..............bobford
--- On Fri, 11/14/08, EarthNSky <erthnsky AT> wrote:
> From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
> Subject: [Homestead] Whale Wars
> To: "Homestead List" <homestead AT>
> Date: Friday, November 14, 2008, 9:37 PM
> I watched this show tonight on Animal Planet and I don't
> know what to
> think. I'm actually kind of repulsed. Maybe repulsed
> is too strong of a
> word, but I do believe people should take responsibility
> for their
> actions, and I think these guys are reckless. I think it is
> another
> example of a good intentions gone amok-people caught up in
> paving the
> road to hell. Maybe I am wrong, maybe that's just a
> knee-jerk reaction
> because I don't know enough about this, but that is
> what I think right
> now. Basically, the premise is that the crew of the Sea
> Shepherd vessel
> Steve Irwin goes out looking for Japanese ships who are
> whaling-legally
> whaling I might add. The Japanese vessels are also
> apparently
> conducting research on whales, doing what looked to me like
> harvesting
> whales for organs, etc. (I don't know what kind of
> research, but it is a
> common practice to look at the livers of animals for toxins
> and
> pollutants) The Sea Shepherd (SS) organization is run by
> Paul Watson who was the co-founder of Greenpeace, who was
> kicked out of
> said organization because he was considered too aggressive.
> They have
> one mission, to save the whales,,,,all whales...Here is his
> side of the
> equation:
> I personally can't decide whether he is a hero or
> terrorist, or in the
> more benign words of Bill O'Reilly, a pinhead or a
> patriot... :) I mean
> if Greenpeace thinks you are too aggressive, then you are
> practically a
> terrorist, ;) Seriously, these people are way
> out there on
> the edge..I think they must have more money than sense.
> They chase down the ships, and toss "love bombs"
> onto the decks of the
> ships to make the decks slippery, board vessels without
> permission, and
> on the show tonight, they also used a device designed to
> foul
> propellers. That would cause thousands of dollars of
> damage to a large
> ship. Also on the show, they chased and had two
> volunteers board the
> vessel. When the Japanese crew tied up the SS members, SS
> called
> everyone they could creating an international incident
> related to the
> 'kidnapping'. Now, I personally think that if you
> chase down and board
> another ship, you can't exactly call that kidnapping.
> At any rate, I'll watch a few more shows before I make
> a final
> judgment, but thought I would mention it here, knowing that
> most of us
> have an environmental soft spot. Friday night at 9 is the
> time slot.
> The question is, how far is it ok to go and are they really
> justified in
> trying to stop all whaling by any means necessary,
> including whaling by
> indigenous peoples? Remember, they are against all whaling,
> even if it
> is legal.
> Bev
> --
> “Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger.
> Anger leads to
> hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
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[Homestead] Whale Wars,
EarthNSky, 11/14/2008
Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars,
Lynda, 11/15/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars, EarthNSky, 11/15/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars, bob ford, 11/15/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars, rayzentz, 11/16/2008
Re: [Homestead] Whale Wars,
Lynda, 11/15/2008
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