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homestead - [Homestead] Lift not thy Hands

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  • From: Clansgian AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: [Homestead] Lift not thy Hands
  • Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:12:00 EDT

> As things are, the candidates are unable to talk about
> the serious issues because they are bombarded by media bullets.

There's this verse in the Rubaiyyat:

"This inverted bowl we call the Sky
Under which crawling cooped we live and die
Lift not thy Hands to it for help
For it rolls on impotently as thou or I"

Not only are the candidates not addressing the serious issues, what
difference would it make if they did? Oh, I suppose if a candidate came out
cheerleader for a massive reduction in life style and pledged to dedicate our
remaining energy to public transportation rather than squeezing out one more
pint of
French fry oil for the SUV's, if they championed vigorous physical activity
and clean food rather than another pill pushing program, that might be
different. But then again, they wouldn't get elected would they?

So any of you recall an early Bill Murry flick called "Meatballs" where he's
a counselor at a cheesy summer camp. They have a contest with an upscale
summer camp across the lake and when the dweeby camp director tries to give
nerdy campers a pep talk, Murry's character says they are going to lose no
matter what, an it "really doesn't matter". That gets to be a mantra by
which he
works them into a frenzy, "It really doesn't matter, it really doesn't

The credible candidate would give a speech like this:

We're sending you a $600 stimulus check. That isn't going to change
anything. We have come up with a dozen different foreclosure bailouts, and
you are
still going to lose your house. And you know, it really doesn't matter what

We could plant every square inch of America in corn for ethanol, drill in
ANWR and off the coast of Florida, dig up all the oil shale in the west, and
mandate that every car get 50 mpg and ... it really wouldn't matter. You
are going to have t park it.

So my imput isn't that Obama is good, bad, or indifferent. It's that it
really doesn't matter. The real danger is thinking that it WOULD make a
difference. Put in Obama ..... or McCain, or Clinton, .... or Alfred E.
Neuman .... it
really doesn't matter.

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