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homestead - [Homestead] The New America

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  • From: Rob <becida AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: [Homestead] The New America
  • Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 10:47:40 -0700

Not much to do with homesteading until "they/them" arrive at your place...
As a nation we now hold secret prisoners, as a nation we invaded a country half way around the world and as a nation we have locked up a reporter who was counting on the First Amendment to protect her.
The thought of having "they/them" show up at your homestead is sort of far fetched isn't it?


CPJ Delegation, Including Brokaw, Visits Judith Miller

>>In calling for Miller's immediate release, the statement noted that more than 120 journalists were imprisoned around the world at the end of 2004, "primarily in China, Cuba, Eritrea, and other countries where journalists are frequently locked up in the course of practicing their profession."

By jailing Miller, the statement said, "the U.S. government is not only undermining the ability of a free press to function in this country but also sending a signal to other governments that such a course is acceptable when dealing with journalists of whose actions they do not approve."<<

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