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- From: Gene GeRue <genegerue AT>
- To: "homestead AT" <homestead AT>
- Subject: [Homestead] Back scratcher, the best damn
- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:11:14 -0700
Those with non-itchy backs: delete now.
Those with itchy backs, rejoice: after decades of writhing frustration, the search is done. Better than those cute Oriental bamboo toys with bent and carved notches or fingers, better than an oak tree (except when you are outside), better even than Chris's strong, loving fingernails is, ta dah, trumpet blast, please . . . a long-handled steel pasta spoon.
The fingers of a steel, not plastic, spoon are sharp enough and the handle stiff enough to get the ahhhhh result perfectly--although lingering is likely--but rounded enough to not tear chunks of back muscle asunder. And the fingers don't get dulled with use, retaining the edge necessary to dig into that one place that needs being dug into. A five-buck spoon will last forever. And you can still use it for it's design purpose. You may wish to rinse it off between varied uses. Or not.
As it is with all epiphanies, I don't know why it took me so long. Certainly the motivation was strong. Finally, the answer is known!
You heard it here first. No need for applause. You are welcome.
Do you think it would look silly to have a spoon in each room plus the car, the shop, the garden, mounted on the lawn mower and the tractor? And of course one in the outhouse. Now, that would be truly sybaritic!
- [Homestead] Back scratcher, the best damn, Gene GeRue, 08/31/2004
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