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gmark - Re: [GMark] [Synoptic-L] parables in Mk. 3:23-27?

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Subject: Kata Markon

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  • From: "Norman Goos" <normangoos AT>
  • To: "'Kata Markon'" <gmark AT>
  • Subject: Re: [GMark] [Synoptic-L] parables in Mk. 3:23-27?
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2007 12:10:37 -0400

Two issues need to be thought out here. The first is what corpus we use for
comparison. If Mark, so be it, but then the rest of the extent literature
becomes meaningless for the discussion here. Two there are six occurrences
of the word in Mark. 8:23 is direct address, and so I would consider this
definite by default. All the others, except the two in 3:23 are articular.
I'm not so sure the jump is as big as you suppose to see 3:23 as anaphoric
and therefore not needing the article to be definite. France (NIGTC) does
not see the possibility of its anarthrousness to be of sufficient weight to
consider it. Neither do Mann (ABC) or Cranfield )CBC). Gould (ICC)
mentions it but sees no change inn meaning in the form, seeing it as still
definite. It would seem that the burden of proof would be on Jeffrey to
show substantial evidence that the anarthrousness leads toward

Pastor Norman Goos
Christ's Wesleyan Church - Senior Pastor
The Kairos Institute (Trinidad) - President/Professor
577 E. Jimmie Leeds Road
Galloway, NJ 08205 USA
Study: 609-652-2238 (Voice mail here only)
Church: 609-965-5835
Cell: 609-513-1044

-----Original Message-----
From: gmark-bounces AT
[mailto:gmark-bounces AT] On Behalf Of Jeffrey B. Gibson
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 11:45 AM
To: Kata Markon
Subject: Re: [GMark] [Synoptic-L] parables in Mk. 3:23-27?

Norman Goos wrote:

> If one considers "satanas" a proper noun in the NT context, it does not
> the article for definiteness. The second item, however, could be using
> article to display its anaphoric character, in other words, a backward
> reference. Both uses of the article are common in the NT per Robertson,
> Wallace, et al.

That's a pretty big "if", isn't it? And in any case, whatever else might
the case in the rest of the NT (and why limit ourselves to this corpus when
are examining the meaning of Greek phrases?), SATANAS without the article =
proper name is against Markan usage. And it is with Markan usage that I am


Jeffrey B. Gibson, D.Phil. (Oxon)
1500 W. Pratt Blvd.
Chicago, Illinois
e-mail jgibson000 AT

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