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freetds - Re: [freetds] SQL Anywhere 11

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: "James K. Lowden" <jklowden AT>
  • To: FreeTDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] SQL Anywhere 11
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 16:15:04 -0500

Brian Johnson wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply Daniel. As we don't use the freetds.conf
> file for our connections, and we use DNS-less connections, I'm trying to
> construct the connection string to include the dataserver name as well
> as it's IP in it, but can't seem to dig up the information. I'm looking
> at:
> And it shows an example with a dataserver entry in freetds.conf, and one
> using a freetds.conf-less connection that has a server entry. Would I
> simply add them both and come out with something like:

You can set the environment variable ASA_DATABASE to be the name of your
database. That causes FreeTDS to put that string in the appropriate field
of the login packet.

Attached is a Perl script to help show what's going on and what to look
for. Create a TDSDUMP log, and run this script against it. It finds the
login packet in the log file, parses it, and prints the fields to standard
output. You should see:

30 server_name SYBASE
1 server_name_length 6

except your database name instead of "SYBASE".

N.B. The field is called "server_name" but ASA uses it for the database
name. Ask them, I just work here! ;-)

== script ==
#! /usr/bin/perl -w

$prior_offset = 0;
while (<DATA>) {
next unless /^\s*\d/;
my ($offset, $type, $name) = split;
my $size = -1;

$prior_offset = $offset;

my $char;
if ($type =~ /CHAR\[(\d+)\]/) {
$char = 'a';
$size = $1;
if ($type =~ /INT(\d+)/) {
$size = 1; $char = 'x';
$char = 'c' if $1 == 8;
$char = 's' if $1 == 16;
$char = 'l' if $1 == 32;
die if $char eq 'x';
if ($type =~ /^\?/) {
$char = 'a';
$name =~ /\[(\d+)\]/;
$size = $1 or die;

die qq(no char in type "$type" in $_) unless $char;
die qq(no size in type "$type" in $_) if $size == -1;

my $repeat = $size == 1? '' : $size;
$pack_as .= "(H2)$repeat";
$unpack_as .= "$char$repeat";

push @names, $name;
push @sizes, $size;

die "no names" unless @names;
die "no sizes" unless @sizes;

print STDERR $pack_as, $/;
print STDERR $unpack_as, $/;

while (<>) {
last if /^0000 02/;
goto Start;

while (<>) {
s/^.+-// if /^0000 02/; # trim off leading header bytes
s/^[[:xdigit:]]{4} //;
s/ \|.+$//;
s/-/ /;

if (/Sending packet/) {

if( /^\s*$/ ) {
last if $ipacket;

push @bytes, split;

die unless @bytes;

$data = pack $pack_as, @bytes or die qq(cannot pack with "$pack_as"\n);
@fields = unpack $unpack_as, $data;

for( $i=0; $i < @names; $i++ ) {
$fields[$i] =~ s/\0+$//;
$fields[$i] = "" unless defined($fields[$i]);
$fields[$i] = "(ignored)" if ($names[$i] =~ /^magic|^\?/);

printf( "%4d %-30s %-30s\n", $sizes[$i], $names[$i], $fields[$i] );
die unless defined($sizes[$i]);
die unless defined($names[$i]);


byte var type description
8 CHAR[30] host_name
38 INT8 host_name_length
39 CHAR[30] user_name
69 INT8 user_name_length
70 CHAR[30] password
100 INT8 password_length
101 CHAR[30] host_process
131 INT8 host_process_length
132 ? magic1[6] /* mystery stuff */
138 INT8 bulk_copy
139 ? magic2[9] /* mystery stuff */
148 CHAR[30] app_name
178 INT8 app_name_length
179 CHAR[30] server_name
209 INT8 server_name_length
210 ? magic3[1] /* 0, don't know this one either */
211 INT8 password2_length
212 CHAR[30] password2
242 CHAR[223] magic4
465 INT8 password2_length_plus2
466 INT16 major_version /* TDS version */
468 INT16 minor_version /* TDS version */
470 CHAR[10] library_name /* "Ct-Library" or "DB-Library" */
480 INT8 library_length
481 INT16 major_version2 /* program version */
483 INT16 minor_version2 /* program version */
485 ? magic6[3] /* ? last two octets are 13 and 17
/* bdw reports last two as 12 and 16
here */
/* possibly a bitset flag */
488 CHAR[30] language /* e.g. "us-english" */
518 INT8 language_length
519 ? magic7[1] /* mystery stuff */
520 INT16 old_secure /* explanation? */
522 INT8 encrypted /* 1 means encrypted all password
fields blank */
523 ? magic8[1] /* no clue... zeros */
524 CHAR[9] sec_spare /* explanation? */
533 CHAR[30] char_set /* e.g. "iso_1" */
563 INT8 char_set_length
564 INT8 magic9[1] /* 1 */
565 CHAR[6] block_size /* in text */
571 INT8 block_size_length
572 ? magic10[25] /* lots of stuff clue */
== tpircs ==

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