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freetds - Re: [freetds] FreeTDS, DBD::Sybase, MS SQL Server and multiple result sets

freetds AT

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  • From: michael.peppler AT
  • To: freetds AT
  • Subject: Re: [freetds] FreeTDS, DBD::Sybase, MS SQL Server and multiple result sets
  • Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 07:42:56 +0200

DBD::Sybase supports multiple result sets. If you check the DBD::Sybase man
page you'll see a couple of examples. The general idea is to code your
fetch loop like this:

$sth = $dbh->prepare(...);

while($row = $sth->fetch) {
redo REDO if $sth->{syb_more_results};


sam AT - 09/09/2006 23:24

Please respond to freetds AT

Sent by: freetds-bounces AT

To: freetds


Subject: [freetds] FreeTDS, DBD::Sybase, MS SQL Server and multiple
result sets

I have been using the above combination for a couple of years quite

I now need to be able to process more than one result set from a stored

Can anyone confirm if they have been able to use DBD::Sybase with MS-SQL
server 2000 and have any success with multiple result sets?

I can see that they work in tsql. I have a stored procedure that
returns multiple result sets and I can see these results in tsql. I
have not been able to read anything other than the first result set with

I am just looking for a quick yes that should work, or no if definitely
won't in which case I can stop banging my head against this particular
brick wall.



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