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freetds - RE:

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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group

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  • From: "Castellano, Nicholas" <Nicholas_Castellano AT>
  • To: "'TDS Development Group'" <freetds AT>
  • Subject: RE:
  • Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 13:06:39 -0400

I don't want to use config.h for this stuff, since config.h won't exist on
manually ported platforms. Let's see how things settle out in a few days,
it may work out that everything in can easily be
moved to But I don't want to lock us into that paradigm until
it's clear that it gives us the required flexibility.

And tds_configs.h is intended only to define the location of the
configuration I want to have system-dependent porting stuff in a
different location.


-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-freetds-145195 AT
[mailto:bounce-freetds-145195 AT]
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 3:52 AM
To: TDS Development Group
Subject: [freetds] RE:

Why not put all not distributable info in config.h ?

I added these lines to (not committed)

freetds_confdir=`echo "$sysconfdir" | sed "s:\\${prefix}:$prefix:"`
freetds_confdir=`echo "$freetds_confdir" | sed
[Configuration path.])

So, config.h, as usual for not private things and tds_configs.h for
public things.


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