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freetds - Re: JDBC strange error

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  • From: Marc Schouten <m.schouten AT>
  • To: TDS Development Group <freetds AT>
  • Subject: Re: JDBC strange error
  • Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 15:32:10 +0200

Is there a certain query type this is happening with? or just when you get
big chunks of data in?
personally i have'nt had such big packets.. for 200bytes for a total row is
about the biggest i got in. (ok the resultset has 2100 rows so the
total data gets way bigger)
anyway i have'nt had any problems, but i'm using only basic select insert and
update query's..

if you insert the query that gives the problems i can see if i can run it on
my own database here.


Antonio Terceiro wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've some questions about freetds JDBC driver, but I see that 99,99% of
> the
> messages do this list is about the C version of freetds. Then, maybe you
> could
> indicate me a better place to post this message, if there is some. But i'll
> post it here anyway ... ;-)
> I've been testing freetds_jdbc driver to access some machines running
> Micro$oft SQL Server(they are Window$ NT, of course), and it works very
> well,
> until ... for some queries, it raises a SQLException, that is, in fact,
> "forwarding" an SocketException(I changed the sources to show the actual
> Exception type inside square braces, as you can see in the following lines).
> Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Network error- Connection
> reset by peer: Connection reset by peer[]
> at com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.Statement.execute(
> at
> com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.Statement.executeQuery(
> at Jisql.main(
> The strange is that I've tested runnning the same queries several times,
> and it
> raises that Exception sometimes, and the other times, it works fine. For
> example, I run if 10,000 times (running 100 times a class that runs the
> query
> 100 times on each execution), and some class executions run the 100 times
> without error, and other executions stop after some random nunber of times.
> The first queries that I tested where greater than 512 bytes, and I thought
> that the problem could be in the protocol conversation(that specifies that
> queries greater than 512 bytes must be sent in different packets). But
> further
> I've tested queries lesser that 512 bytes and happened the same.
> So, can anybody help with it? Maybe guiding me to probable reasons, or
> whatever. I'm up to help with the driver programming ...
> Regards,
> --
> Antonio Terceiro <terceiro AT>
> Bolsista - Divisão de Projetos
> Centro de Processamento de Dados
> Universidade Federal da Bahia
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