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freetds - RE: PHP, FreeTDS and SQL Server 7

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  • From: "Richard Norman" <normri AT>
  • To: <freetds AT>,<david.derr AT>
  • Subject: RE: PHP, FreeTDS and SQL Server 7
  • Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 09:00:54 -0700

Did you try using the freetds.conf file?

This file is used before the interfaces file. you can find it in your
%prefix%/etc directory if you specified this location.

I discovered that when I was doing my initial work with FreeTDS..

Richard Norman

-----Original Message-----
From: david.derr AT
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:17 AM
To: "TDS Development Group" <freetds AT>
Subject: [freetds] PHP, FreeTDS and SQL Server 7

Hello. I am trying to use freetds in conjunction with php and MS SQL
Server 7. I have posted a couple quiestions to the php mailing list, but
have hit a wall there.

I have included the reply I recieved to the first post and my second
below. I believe I have a configuration problem unrelated to php or the
database because it seems freetds always wants to connect to port 0 and that is not what I had in the interfaces file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am sooo close and I really
this solution will perform better than our existing one which is using an
ODBC bridge.

David Derr

Posteded to the PHP General Mailing List...

Thanks for you build record, that helped greatly, I think my main
was using 0.52 instead of 0.51.

No more seg faults now when I try to run my script, but I am still
getting a connection to the database, and I think the problem may be the
fact the freetds is not finding any configuration information. Here is
the php script I am running:


$nDBConn = mssql_connect("mmg", "username", "passwd");
echo "ConnectID: $nDBConn<br>\n";

$nStmt = mssql_query("select * from david_test", $nDBConn);

while ($aRow = mssql_fetch_array($nStmt)) {
echo $aRow["Name"];
echo "<p>\n";

echo "hello dave";

And when this runs there are connection errors, but if I look in the
TDSDUMP file I specified at the beginning of the script I see this (which
is not the ip or port I specified in my interfaces file): 2001 10 17
09:39:24 Connecting addr port 0

Along with these errors in my Apache error log file:
connect: Network is unreachable
DB Library: Login incorrect.

Here is my interfaces file, located at /usr/local/freetds
query tcp tds4.2 ip.of.db.server 1433

And last, here is the value of the SYBASE env variable:
[root /root]# echo $SYBASE

Did you or anyone else run in to this problem? I looked in the
file to see if there was a path you could specify for the interfaces file
but found only an alternate method of configuring freetds, so I renamed it
to zzz_freetds.conf and still get the error message saying it is
connecting to

Thanks again in advance for any help.

David Derr
davidderr AT

Original Message
From: Nick Talbott [ mailto:nickt AT]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:45 AM
To: David Derr; php general AT
Subject: Re: [PHP] FreeTDS and SQL Server 7

On Tuesday 16 October 2001 4:18 pm, David Derr wrote:
> Hey all, I was reading an old article at php builder about conntecting
> to SQL Server 7 on a Windows machine from a Linux machine via FreeTDS.
> (
> Has anyone had sucees in getting this to work? I will include my
> config and compile commands below as well as the php script that is
> breaking things.

We have that working reliably with the exception that I have used TDS
protocol version 4.2 rather than 7.0 because I had read that this was a
little less well developed, and 4.2 gives you all you need in any case.

We're using slightly different components: Apache 1.3.20, PHP 4.0.6,
0.51 running on a Slackware 8.0 base (Linux kernel 2.2.19 with glibc

I've attached an HTML file of our build record for this.

The other thing to note is that this approach allows you to use PHP's
calls, but only those that have direct sybase_ equivalents. So make sure
check out which calls are common to both sets of functions and don't try
calls that only exist in the mssql_ function list.


Nick Talbott, IT Policy and Strategy Manager, Powys County Council
email: nickt AT
fax: 01597 824781
web: and

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