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[Corpus-Paul] Final Head Count for E-Lister's SBL Meeting
- From: "Jeffrey B. Gibson" <jgibson000 AT>
- To: Corpus-Paulinum <corpus-paul AT>
- Subject: [Corpus-Paul] Final Head Count for E-Lister's SBL Meeting
- Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:57:36 -0600
With apologies for cross posting.
FYI, here's the head count as of 11:45am Friday, Nov. 21st, 2003, of
those E-Listers who intend to attend the SBL conference and the
E-Lister's meeting.
I look forward to seeing you all in Atlanta
Jeffrey Gibson
Cynthia Edenburg, The Open University of Israel
presenting a paper in the Deuteronomistic History section, Sat. Nov 22,
at 4:00 PM. The paper is titled: The story of the Outrage at Gibeah
(Jdg. 19-21) and its relation to the Deuteronomistic History=20
Lisa Karnan ("Lisa Ethhp"), Claremont Graduate University
(no paper)
Everett Oakley
(no paper)
Gerald A. Klingbeil
paper in the Biblical Lands and Peoples in Archaeology and Text Section
(S24-104) on Monday 4pm-6:30pm
Title: "Man's Other Best Friend." The Interaction of Equids and Man in
Daily Life in Iron Age II Palestine as Seen in Texts, Artifacts, and
Trevor Peterson
presenting a paper "The Role of ZE in Questions", .Tuesday morning,
Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew section.
Cynthia Long Westfall, Colorado Christian University
paper on "A Method for the Analysis of Prominence" in the Biblical Greek
Language and Linguistics Secton
Saturday, Nov. 22 at approximately 4:30.
Susan Jeffers
(no paper)
Carlton Winberry
(no paper)
John Schwandt
representing the National Biblical Greek Exam in booth 401 (one aisle
from Gramcord)
Jim West
(no paper)
Arnie Perlstein
(no paper)
Ethan Perlstein
Kofi Bart-Martin
(no paper)
Edgar Krentz
no paper but participating in the HHellenistic Ethics and New Testament
Susan M. (Eli) Elliott
sharing a paper entitled "Notes on Method for (a?) People's History of
Christianity" in a pre-meeting for the People's History of Christianity
Billy Evans
(no paper)
James E Miller
(no paper)
Mark Nanos
giving a paper in SBL 24-108 Early Jewish Christian Relations Section,
Monday, Nov. 24, 4:00-6:30 p.m. Panelists will address the ways in which
Pauline scholarship knowingly or unknowingly impacts Jewish/Christian
Sheila McGinn, John Carroll University
presenting in the AAR Academic Teaching group and responding in the
"Rise of the Historical Consciousness" section.
Bill Skelton
(no paper)
Lynn Allan Kauppi, Abingdon Press
(no paper)
James C. Miller
(no paper)
Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Wales
(no paper)
Norman Hutchinson
(no paper)
Perry L. Stepp, Associate Professor, Biblical Studies, Kentucky
Christian College
(no paper)
Jerry L. Sumney, Lexington Theological Seminary
(no paper)
R. Keith Whitt
(no paper)
Munachi E. Ezeogu, (Regis College/Toronto School of Theology)
presenting a paper "Surely We Are Not Blind, Are We?" An African
Theological Reading of the
Story of the Healing of the Man Born Blind, John 9:1-41" under the
auspices of African Biblical Hermeneutics Consultation on Saturday,
November 22 at 1:00-3:30 pm (S22-51)
Mike Grondin
(no paper)
Naomi Koltun-Fromm
chairing a session: S24-112 Tues 4-6:30 HY Techwood. History and
Literature of Early Rabbinic Judaism.
Robert J. V. Hiebert, Associated Canadian Theological Schools of
Trinity Western University
paper will be in the Biblical Lexicography Section, Session 2: Theme -
"Lexicography and Translation, with Special Reference to the
It will be on Tuesday, Nov. 25, S25-5, during the 9:00-11:30 am block
10:20-10:45?). My paper topic is: "Lexicography and the Translation of
Translation: The NETS Version and the Septuagint of Genesis."
Albert L. Lukaszewski, University of Saint Andrews
presenting two papers: (1) "Reconstructing Ancient Texts Using Open
Source Software" in the
Computer Assisted Research Section on Sunday, 23 November (1300-1530)
and (2) "Qumran Aramaic and the Quest for Early Christian Sources" in
the Aramaic Studies Section on Monday, 24 November (1600-1830)
Steve Ulrich
(no paper)
Liz Fried
Presenting a paper entitled: "Who Wrote Ezra-Nehemiah, and why did he?",
Monday, November 24th SBL S24-8 Chronicles-Ezra-Nehemiah Section 9:00 AM
- 11:30 AM
Robert A. Kraft, Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
"Exploring Greek Jewish Scribal Practices: the Evidence from the
Earliest LXX/OG Fragments" around 11 am Sunday, Nov. 23rd, ,
Hellenistic Judaism Section S23-9, and "Pursuing Papyrology via the
Web", Sunday, 1 pm, CARG S23-58, and also working as panel moderator
in a PSCO special session Friday 7pm (not on the program) on:
"Parabiblical Prosopography" in Marrriot Marquis Amsterdam Room.
James McGrath, Butler University
Presenting two papers: (1) "Worship and the Question of Jewish
Polytheism in the Hellenistic Age" in the Hellenistic Judaism Section
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM, Tuesday, November 25th; (2) "Rebuilding the Temple
- Jesus' Timetable for the Dawn of a New Age?" Historical Jesus Section
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Monday, November 24th
Armand J. "Joe" Gagne Jr, University of South Carolina Sumter
(no paper)
Elizabeth Danna
(no paper)
Gudrun Guttenberger, Evangelische Fachhochschule, Hannover
presenting a paper "Guilty of Blasphemy. Monotheism, the Rejection of
Jesus and the Messianic
Secret" in the Mark Group (S23-15), Sunday, November 23rd, 9:00 AM -
11:30 AM
Felix Just
(no paper)
Stephen Carlson
(no paper)
Mark Goodacre, University of Birmingham
All-in-One Biblical Resources Search
in the Computer Assisted Research Section, Saturday 1 p.m.
R. Steven Notley, Nyack College NYC
presenting two papers: (1) "Abel the Righteous" in Scripture in Early
Judaism and Christianity
Section SAT 1-3:30 (S22-69). (2) "The Search for Bethsaida...Is It
Over? Historical and Geographical
Evidence for the Site Identification of Bethsaida" in Biblical Lands
andPeoples in Archaeology and Text Session MON 1-3:30 (S24-53).
John C. Poirier
presenting a paper on "The Ouranology of the Apocalypse of Abraham " in
the Pseudepigrapha Section (S24-20), Monday morning (Nov. 24), about
10:00 am.
Randall Buth, Lecturer, Biblical Hebrew Rothberg International School
Hebrew University
"A Four-fold Shma Between Qumran and the Gospels" Qumran section, Sunday
Shawn Kelly
Presenting a paper, "The Prisonhouse of Parables: Racialization in
the era of Methodological Innovation", for the Ideological Criticism
Section on Sunday afternoon in the 1-3:30 session.
Shawn's book, _Racializing Jesus: Race, Ideology and the Formation of
Modern Biblical Scholarship_
is being reviewed in a joint session (Ideological Criticism, Historical
Jesus, African American Hermeneutics) on Saturday Afternoon at 4 PM.
Mark A. Matson, Milligan College
Two papers: (1) in Synoptic gospels section a paper entitled
"Interactive Rhetoric in Matthew: An exploration of Audience Knowledge
Competency" -- paper to be summarized; and (2) In Lit/Crit section a
paper entitled "A Time to Tell"
Jeffery A. Green
(no paper)
Paul Buckley
(no paper)
Bill Warren, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
"The Robertson Codex, A Forgotten Four-Gospel Codex" on Tuesday in the
NTTC section
Amy S Anderson, Associate Professor of Greek and New Testament North
Central University
(no paper)
James Adair
(no paper)
C(live) F(rank) Jacks
(no paper)
Jeffrey Gibson
Presenting a paper "The Markan Purpose for the Charge of Blasphemy in
Mark 14:64" in the Mark Group (S23-15), Sunday, November 23rd, 9:00 AM
- 11:30 AM
Gordon Raynal
(no paper)
Zeba A. Crook, Carleton University
Social Scientific Criticism of the New Testament Section, S23-69
(1-3:30pm, Sunday; HY Hanover E): "Loyalty, Disloyalty, and Ancient
Rhetoric and the New Testament Section, S24-124 (4-6:30 pm, Monday;
HY-Centennial II): "Patronal Synkrisis in Phil 3:4b-11."
Robert L. Webb
(no paper)
Steve Black
(no paper)
Rikki Watts
(no paper)
James D.G. Dunn
(no paper)
Henry Carrigan, Trinity Press International
(no paper -- but go and visit him at the Trinity Booth)
Gail Dawson
(no paper)
Ted Weeden
responding to the papers being presented by Bauckham, Mitchell and
Matson at the Synoptic Gospels Section on Saturday afternoon, 4:00-6:30.
Jeffrey B. Gibson, D.Phil. (Oxon.)
1500 W. Pratt Blvd. #1
Chicago, IL 60626
jgibson000 AT
- [Corpus-Paul] Final Head Count for E-Lister's SBL Meeting, Jeffrey B. Gibson, 11/21/2003
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