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corpus-paul - PLEASE DROP "Jerusalem conference" CONVERSATION

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Subject: Corpus-Paul

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  • From: Perry L Stepp <plstepp AT>
  • To: corpus-paul AT
  • Subject: PLEASE DROP "Jerusalem conference" CONVERSATION
  • Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 06:46:42 -0500

It seems to me that this conversation has nothing more to offer the list,
and I request that it be shut down or taken COMPLETELY off list. I make
this request as both a member of the list and as a student moderator of
the list.

Much heat (but little if any light) has been generated over the
last--what, week? longer?--since the thread degenerated into namecalling
and inanity.

One of the simple rules for safe e-discussion group participation: one of
the sure signs that a conversation should have been ended days earlier is
when one of the participants compares another to Hitler.

Leave it ALONE, please.

Perry L. Stepp, Ph.D. candidate, Baylor University
(and student moderator, Corpus Paul)

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  • PLEASE DROP "Jerusalem conference" CONVERSATION, Perry L Stepp, 09/01/2002

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