corpus-paul AT
Subject: Corpus-Paul
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- From: Perry L Stepp <plstepp AT>
- To: corpus-paul AT
- Subject: Re: Paul and homosexuality?
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 22:37:23 -0500
> A negative view of sex is also
> present in the NT. Asceticism, and reasons for it,
> were very important to Paul, who can be called a
> "model ascetic" (Roetzel), as we see in Romans:
> 6:6 ... so that the sinful body might be destroyed
> 6:12 [don't] obey its passions
> 7:5 our sinful passions, aroused by the law, were
> at work in our members to bear fruit for death.
> 7:8 sin, finding opportunity in the commandment, wrought
> in me all kinds of covetousness.
> [Probably it is the commandment to "be fruitful"
> that accidentally (?) stimulated sinful sexual desire,
> hence the repeated mention of how it was "through
> the commandment" (7:13) that sin, like a Trojan horse,
> penetrated our defenses and seduced us into sinning]
Rather Freudian, this. How silly of me not to realize that when Paul
refers to the commandment against coveting that he's really thinking of
sex ! !
Seriously: I don't think that sex, compulsion/aversion, etc., was at the
root of what Paul was writing nor of what his audience would have heard.
It would have been one aspect of their understanding of "flesh,"
"passions," etc.--but only one of several. Paul's "vice lists" certainly
aren't limited to sexual sin.
PLStepp, Ph.D. candidate, Baylor University
"For me, the lame part of the Sixties was the political part, the social
part. The real part was the spiritual part." --Jerry Garcia,
*Rolling Stone* 30 Nov 1989
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Re: Paul and homosexuality?,
MillerJimE, 06/14/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Stephen.Finlan, 06/14/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Perry L Stepp, 06/14/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Bob MacDonald, 06/15/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Stephen.Finlan, 06/16/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Stephen.Finlan, 06/16/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Bob MacDonald, 06/16/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Stephen.Finlan, 06/17/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Bob MacDonald, 06/18/2002
- Re: Paul and homosexuality?, Stephen.Finlan, 06/18/2002
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