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corpus-paul - RE: Resistance & Subversive movements in antiquity

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Subject: Corpus-Paul

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  • From: "David C. Hindley" <dhindley AT>
  • To: "Corpus-paul" <corpus-paul AT>
  • Subject: RE: Resistance & Subversive movements in antiquity
  • Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:31:13 -0500

Jacob Knee responded;

>>If you have access to a library or are a member of SBL and can view
the online version - I believe Semeia 79 was dedicated to 'Rhetorics
of Resistance'. It may perhaps give you some starting points.<<

Yes, I should be able to access the article at a library. I'm afraid I
am not an SBL member.


Dave Hindley
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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