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[Commons-research] Reminder: CFP deadline April 26
- From: Giorgos Cheliotis <giorgos AT>
- To: "icommons AT" <icommons AT>, "cc-community AT" <cc-community AT>, "commons-research AT" <commons-research AT>
- Subject: [Commons-research] Reminder: CFP deadline April 26
- Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:43:48 +0800
Hi to all and apologies for crossposting. This is just a gentle reminder for the upcoming deadline of April 26 for the submission of research abstracts to the iSummit research workshop.
We have already collected some ideas on panels, workshops, discussions relating to research, etc., so this now refers only to people who want a slot in the iSummit to present their own research and hopefully make us all a little bit smarter in the process. Please also note the new URL on the new iSummit website. We call out to all of you in the community to encourage colleagues and friends who might be engaged in commons-related research of any type to send a submission in accordance with the guidelines on the site.
First Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Free Culture
Hosted at the fourth annual iSummit, 29 July – 1 August, 2008, Sapporo, Japan
With submission deadline: 26 April, 2008 (for extended abstracts)
Hosted at the fourth annual iSummit, 29 July – 1 August, 2008, Sapporo, Japan
With submission deadline: 26 April, 2008 (for extended abstracts)
For more information on the research workshop, including submission guidelines, please visit:
The Workshop Chairs,
Jonathan Zittrain, Oxford University, UK
Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Giorgos Cheliotis, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Jonathan Zittrain, Oxford University, UK
Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Giorgos Cheliotis, Singapore Management University, Singapore
- [Commons-research] Reminder: CFP deadline April 26, Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/21/2008
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