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- From: "Wojciech Gryc" <wojciech AT>
- To: commons-research AT
- Subject: Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?
- Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:24:10 -0400
Hi Giorgos and Sarah,
Thank you both for the replies!
Sarah -- I'd love to have you involved. I submitted this as a "workshop" but really want it to be more collaborative. I'll be in touch once I know if this was accepted.
Giorgos -- I submitted this to the "Open Education" lab as a separate application and made a note on both that there's two tracks which I'm submitting to. I'm happy to make any changes to the application, if whoever is deciding on the appropriateness of the workshop feels there is something missing.
On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Giorgos Cheliotis <giorgos AT> wrote:
Wojciech,like you said yourself your suggestion could fit under open education ad well as under research. So perhaps you can submit under both labels on pentabarf, if possible. We do try to coordinate across tracks, or "labs", as they're called, and when some ideas look like they might fit somewhere else we do consider that. This is just my opinion, but I think a discussion of open access to research tools and data would be good to have at the summit, in whatever track it may end up in.Giorgos
From: Wojciech Gryc
Sent: Sat 4/19/2008 5:42 AMSubject: Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?Hi Giorgos,
Thanks very much for the responses. There's a lot of open source SNA tools out there, so I'd be happy to send a list or put something together.
What I will do right now is submit a "workshop" proposal right now, as I don't want to make it a formal workshop or panel, but do want people to get involved. I will also send out an e-mail to the "Open Education" group, as I just realized that an overview of these tools may be more relevant to that group than here (or both!).
The general description is below:
Tools for Research and Data Sharing
An overview of open source tools for advanced research and data analytics.
A great deal of free and open source software tools exist for researchers interested in studying the Commons movement, Web 2.0, and the broader sociology of technology field. These tools vary a great deal in quality, and can be used for multiple purposes, from data collection to advanced modeling and analysis. The goal of this workshop is to acquaint participants with some of the tools currently available for doing web-based research, freely available data sets, and communities already working in these fields. More importantly, the workshop will be discussion-focused and will allow researchers to share their own experiences, favourite software, and where they collect or distribute their data.
Detailed Description
Freely available software and data sets are key in promoting research, collaboration, and education. While such tools exist, one of the most challenging aspects is finding the right ones and learning how to use them, as documentation can often be sparse, and relevant data sets difficult to find. This workshop aims to provide an overview of what tools are available, and how they are being used to promote both qualitative and quantitative research in sociology, anthropology, and computer science.
The workshop will begin with a very short overview of my own experiences in developing open source software for academic research in an effort to lower the barrier to entry for students and researchers interested in advanced statistics and social network analysis. My own tools include:
* Egotistics --
* R4Calc --
However, the workshop will be discussion oriented, focusing on participants' favourite tools, freely available data sets, and collaborative opportunities.
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:40 AM, Giorgos Cheliotis <giorgos AT> wrote:
Hi Wojciech,your tools are very close to my interests as I've been exploring SNA myself and have also been looking for alternatives to Excel+SPSS/SAS.People have been throwing around some ideas about special panels/discussions on research-related topics, and one was about open access, open peer reviewing, etc. A panel or workshop on open research tools might be interesting as well. You can always submit a proposal through the isummit submission process, but to make sure that this crowd notices it I think it would be great if you flesh out your ideas a bit more and circulate on this list again.In the end, depending on the number and quality of submissions we receive for research presentations we will try to balance such presentations against the demand for more discussion-oriented sessions.Also you may want to consider presenting your tools and related stuff at the speed-geeking sessions planned for work that is research-related but not very academic in nature.Giorgos
From: Wojciech Gryc
Sent: Thu 4/17/2008 2:48 PM
To: commons-research AT
Subject: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?Hi,
I've been browsing the commons-research list archives and am curious whether presentations / meetings / workshops other than for papers are possible to suggest for this lab?
Specifically, I'd be curious to sit down with the research-oriented participants and discuss the tools and data sets they are using, how they're using them, the issues surrounding open data availability, and so on. If there's interest in this, I'm happy to submit a session or moderate one.
To provide a quick overview, my own research focuses on social network analysis and machine learning in the blogosphere, though I also do a lot of work in international development. There's two open source tools I've developed over the last 1.5 years or so: and
While I don't feel any of this merits a paper submission, I would be very interested in meeting with others to hear about their software, challenges to research, and potential ways we can collaborate. Would anyone else be interested in this?
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Commons-research mailing list
Commons-research AT
Five Minutes to Midnight:
Youth on human rights and current affairs
Commons-research mailing list
Commons-research AT
Five Minutes to Midnight:
Youth on human rights and current affairs
[Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Wojciech Gryc, 04/17/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/17/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Wojciech Gryc, 04/18/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/20/2008
- Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?, Wojciech Gryc, 04/21/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/20/2008
- [Commons-research] Announcement: CFP deadline extended to May 3rd, Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/26/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Wojciech Gryc, 04/18/2008
Re: [Commons-research] Workshops or Meetings?,
Giorgos Cheliotis, 04/17/2008
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