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ch-scene - Re: stuff to do, week of May 3, 2008

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Subject: RTP-area local music and culture

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  • From: "James Hepler" <hepstyle AT>
  • To: "RTP-area local music and culture" <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: Re: stuff to do, week of May 3, 2008
  • Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 17:33:02 -0400

You and me, Ross, peas in a pod. I gave the line monitor at the dean dome
guff for making me fill out my rally ticket in the rain after I took off
work to drive to durham in order to fill out my name and GET the ticket.
And then again to get my arcade fire ticket. It is what it is though.
Obama himself called me twice today, and one of his minions called me from
atlanta to tell me to vote at rogers here middle school on cornwall road in
Door-Haam. Love it when people who can't pronounce my city tell me where to

But it is what it is, and I'm glad there are people who care enough to get
out there and put in the work. Somewhere, someone decided that this is how
you win elections, and so everyone does it.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 5:18 PM, grady <grady AT> wrote:

> All Arcade Fire songs sound the same, just like all Superchunk songs,
> but Superchunk songs are shorter, thus they were more fun.
> Is that capsule enough for you? ;-)
> Seriously, though, if you leave out the creepy Obamafascists running the
> gates, who required every attendee to fill out full contact info,
> including phone number, before being allowed entry, it was a wonderful
> time.
> Superchunk put in possibly the strongest post-extended-hiatus set I've
> seen them do, and there was the added bonus of all the Band Children
> (tm) wearing those giant kid-earmuff things, all onstage dancing next to
> Laura. I half-intended to jot down a setlist, but of course I didn't &
> my memory sucks too bad to recreate one here. Ask Rawls, he'll tell you.
> Here's a video:
> I'd actually never seen the Arcade Fire before. I regret missing them at
> the Cave & the 506, but don't regret missing them at any larger venues,
> because just as with any other increasingly-popular band, they draw a
> ton of people who really love them but who don't have the foggiest
> notion about rockshow etiquette (i.e. that 9" of space in front of me is
> buffer so the person in front of me doesn't back into me, not an
> invitation for your 6-foot-tall ass to occupy it).
> I did find it somewhat alarming when everybody started clapping in
> unison, like Soviet spectators at a '70s-era Olympic event.
> I got sunburned.
> Ross
> DJ Golf wrote:
> > Anybody got a capsule review of the aforementioned Town Commons event?
> >
> > On May 3, 1:20=A0pm, local... AT wrote:
> >>>> The Pressure Boys were a hugely popular Chapel Hill ska band...
> >> I think relegating them to just 'ska' is doing them a disservice -
> >> although they were heavily influenced by the genre (witnessed by them
> >> doing three songs that appear on The Specials debut last night.)
> >> Their later stuff definitely owes as much a debt to XTC. =A0Regardless,
> >> the show last night was amazing! =A0I highly recommend going tonight if
> >> you missed it!
> >>
> >> glenn
> >>
> >> ps: what a day - both the Cradle and 506 were sold-out plus the Town
> >> Commons event!
> >
> > -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
> >
> >
> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --

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