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ch-scene - stuff to do, week of August 24, 2007

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  • From: grady <grady AT>
  • To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: stuff to do, week of August 24, 2007
  • Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 16:58:14 -0400

Friday, August 24
Monsonia (
Hazerai (
Rapid Cities (
Know-Think (
Bull City Headquarters, Durham

It's not unusual for me to receive emails from people in bands about upcoming shows. It *is* unusual when the emailer isn't even in a band that's playing the show. I got this from Evan Rowe (The Maple Stave, Grappling Hook):

"Hazerai and Monsonia you probably already know...local boys making the big loud rock...spraying all over the place, you-can-almost-hear-the-spit-hit-the-mic in the case of the former, and tightly wound, burrowing into yr forehead in the latter.

Rapid Cities and Know-Think are from New Brunswick, NJ--Maple Stave played with Rapid Cities on tour, and I can attest to their rad-super-downstroke awesomeness and energy that could power much of Downtown Durham that night should the grid go down. Really--I thought their singer was going to pull down the first floor of the house we were playing. Strong stuff. And I met the drummer from Know-Think playing in an other band, and he's got some chops, people.

We're not even playing and I demand you come out. I feel this strongly."

Friday, August 24
8 Eyes (
Dr. Powerful (
Arma Secreta (
Broad Street Cafe, Durham

Friday, August 24
The Cartridge Family (
Sadlack's Heroes, Raleigh

The Cartridge Family are a bar-rocking band from Raleigh with electric piano right out front; they sound as though they hold Blonde-on-Blonde-era Dylan and the New York Dolls in equally high esteem.

Friday, August 24
In the Year of the Pig (
Felt Battery
Horseback (
Rahdunes (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Sweet blessed 200-decibel drone.

Friday, August 24
Alina Simone (
Jennifer Gentle (
The Dodos (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Jennifer Gentle is a band, not a woman; they're a psych-rock outfit from Italy, in fact.

Alina Simone is a woman; she's just released an album on 54-40 or Fight that will inevitably draw comparisons to Cat Power, albeit to the earlier, somewhat-more-paranoid Cat Power circa What Would the Community Think.

Friday, August 24
The Loners (
Chest Pains (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

Last week I went to a show at the Cave and there was some guy standing out in the alley giving away BBQ'd chicken legs. I have no plan to tie that story in to this blurb about the Chest Pains; I just felt like I had to tell somebody.

The Chest Pains are three gnarly dudes--Tim Ristau (ex-Jett Rink), Eric Hermann (ex-Pleasant) and Greg Barbera (ex-Spectator rockcrit)--who probably used to think, back when they were kids, that guys in their mid-late 30s shouldn't play punkrock. Nowadays they'd likely take great pleasure in either kicking those kids' asses, or promising to buy 'em beer and then drinking it all themselves.

This is their CD-release party.

Friday, August 24
Colossus (
Downtown Event Center, Raleigh

Saturday, August 25
Erie Choir (
North Elementary (
Schooner (
The Strugglers (
Wes Phillips (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

This is a CD-release party for the great new Schooner album, "Hold On Too Tight," and they've invited a bunch of their friends, who happen to be some of the best songwriter-led bands in the Triangle, to join them.

Saturday, August 25
Alvarez Painting (
Straight No Chaser (
Ender (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

It's a Trekky Records showcase of sorts. Alvarez Painting are fast becoming the old men of the label; their yelpy-voiced indie-rock is the missing link between 90s-style Chapel Hill indie-rock, and the 21st-century large-ensemble artpop that the label is fast becoming known for.

Sunday, August 26
Bull City (
WXDU 88.7 FM, Durham

Bull City put out a great record, "Guns and Butter," earlier this year. Soundwise it falls somewhere between Alex Chilton, Jeff Tweedy and Neil Young; we'll see where it lands when it's played live on the air. 5:00 p.m. at 88.7 FM or

Sunday, August 26
Midtown Dickens (
Screaming Females (
The Drowsies (
Bull City Headquarters, Durham

Wednesday, August 29
DJ Nasty Boots
Robo Sapien (
Nicky Click (
Diamond Beats (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Thursday, August 30
Clang Quartet (
The Whole World Laughing (
Double Muslims (
Diagram A
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Clang Quartet is Scotty Irving, making noise about Jesus. Scotty also plays drums in The Whole World Laughing, accompanied by Dave Cantwell on the basstar.

Thursday, August 30
Transistor Sun (
The Ts (
The Cave, Chapel Hill

The Ts are a Raleigh rock-n-roll band. Karen Mann always says good things about them, and I get the impression from her that they're a straight-up rock-n-roll band, as opposed to all that metal that she also likes.

Transistor Sun are the current outlet of one Mr. Eric West, who has been slaving away in the trenches of alt-rock for the past 15 years or so. I first met him when he was playing guitar in a jangly little Connells-ish outfit called The Fishermen, 'round about '93 or so. Since then he's had any number of other bands, all loosely affiliated with the power-pop/alt-rock nation. Transistor Sun is his heaviest yet; they've got more than a little Motley Crue peeking through the pop hooks.

Friday, August 31 - Sunday September 2
Local Wildlife Weekend (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro

This is a big three-night festival/benefit put together primarily by Frank Heath and Ben Davis. Monetary proceeds go to the Piedmont Wildlife Center; less-tangible benefits accrue to *you* as you get caught up on a broad array of what's been happening in local music over the past few years.

Little bit of everything here, from the indie-pop/rock of Shakermaker, Butterflies, Embarrassing Fruits, Fin Fang Foom, Red Collar and the Never; to the hip-hop of Dirty5Thirty; the country/americana of The Strugglers, Big Fat Gap, and Roman Candle; and the blue-eyed soul of Hobex and Transportation.

Here's a tentative lineup:







Friday, August 31
Blag'ard (
Hazerai (
Fighting Poseidon (
Laserhead (
Bull City Headquarters, Durham

If you're curious about the current state of the art in local punk-derived indierock, this is the show for you. Blag'ard are the traditionalists; despite being a gtr/drums duo, they come out sounding a lot like '90s local-heroes Capsize 7 (no surprise really, since guitarist Joe Taylor was in Capsize 7).

Fighting Poseidon guitarist Eric Mann was in the supertight Greensboro postpunk/hardrock band Kudzu Wish, and the new band doesn't stray far from that formula; think Les Savy Fav if they paid attention to song structure, and practiced more.

Hazerai sprung from the ashes of the short-lived Country Bears, and they're doing that post-Fugazi/screamo thing.

Friday, August 31
The Busy World (
The Nothing Noise (
Hello Bright Futures (
Harmute (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill

Saturday, September 1
Direct Control (
Double Negative (
Wasted Time (
Cross Laws (
Life Trap
Bull City Headquarters, Durham

This is being billed as Dennisfest. What it is, is hardcore, and if Double Negative actually show up & play, it'll be about the best damn hardcore you're going to see all year.

Saturday, September 1
The Rosebuds (
Downtown Event Center, Raleigh

The Downtown Event Center used to be the Martin St/Raleigh Music Hall. It's being booked nowadays by Mike Dillon, who used to work the door at Kings, which explains why the schedule finally contains something other than the occasional open mic and/or freestyle contest.

I don't have to tell you about the Rosebuds, I assume.

Saturday, September 1
Weedeater (
Caltrop (
The Curtains of Night (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

Heaviosity abounds. Weedeater are from Wilmington & you get three guesses what they sound like. Caltrop are from here, and they make huge lumbering metallo-stoner anthems. Curtains of Night are a new-ish Chapel Hill gtr/drums duo; I haven't seen 'em, but the song I heard contained an impressive amount of racket to have come from just 2 people.

Sunday, September 2
Eberhardt (
Rahdunes (
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham

Whoo-hoo, the Coffeehouse is back & ready for bidness! Is it perhaps the only good thing about the students returning? Certainly possibly the only thing directly causally related to the students returning, anyway. The cooler weather, I'm told, happens regardless. At least it will if it does.

Sunday, September 2
Hammer No More the Fingers (
The Cinematics (
Carina Round (
Local 506, Chapel Hill

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