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Subject: RTP-area local music and culture
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- From: Chris Rossi <nospam AT>
- To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
- Subject: Re: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006
- Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:21:40 -0400
According to my roommate, the darkmeat vomit people are playing at reservoir in carrboro tonight (friday). He also says highly recommended.
grady wrote:
Thursday, September 14
Randy Whitt and the Grits (
Hank Sinatra (
Phil Lee (
Joe Swank and the Zen Pirates (
Local 506, Chapel Hill
It's a long tightrope between country & rock, but it's been walked so many times that it's touching the ground in a lot of spots between here & there. Phil Lee walked it well in the late 80s/early 90s in Raleigh (if you ever see a copy of the Backsliders/Phil Lee split 7", snap it up, it's crucial), before leaving town for Nashville under mysterious circumstances. Tonight he's back in town as "special guest" of Hank Sinatra, who've done a little wandering of their own between NC and TN.
Thursday, September 14
Darkmeat / Vomit Lasers Family Band (
The People Under the Bridge (
Mingus Young (
Kings, Raleigh
The Darkmeat Vomit Lasers Family Band (can't explain it, too complicated, but they're from Athens, there are 18 of them, and they're freaks/refugees from half the bands in Athens of the past 10-15 years) make a giant psychedelic freaky noise.
Friday, September 15
Donna Parker (
Jamie Peterson (
Naomi (
Pykrete (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill
Nightlight sez:
Terrifying and mesmerizing noise tonight! Some press on DONNA PARKER: "uses only guitar effects pedals to create compact, trancelike improvisations that combine whirling rhythmic figures, waves of feedback and the entropic effect of decaying systems." -Bob Bannister, Time Out New York / / "Donna Parker has finally released 'Debutante', her debut LP, and it is superb. Feedback oscillations, jammed signals, sick battery effects pedal malfunction all through the hands, ears, and heart of Donna Parker who has been one of the consistent musical highlights of the Eastern seaboard out noise scene. Produced by Jessica Rylan (who has a duo with Donna Parker called Secret Diary - LP forthcoming on Ecstatic Peace) this is the record of the summer, with enough beach blanket noise action to sunburn your brain from beginning to end. It's that good." ? Byron Coley & Thurston Moore, Arthur. JAMIE PETERSON tips more towards dreamy, ambient - she has played with K Records swamp rockveterans Old Time Relijun, Deerhoof side project The Curtains, and Italian juvenile punks Dada Swing, and has been writing material in secret over the last ten years, collecting noises from guitars, telephones, people and machines. With a sound ranging from miniature dungeon doom to poptimistic ear candy, her bipolar performance embraces the didactic aspect of live musical performance, and insists that edu-tainment lose its stigma. NAOMI sings with a synth, CAN'T style - PYKRETE is the harsh/drone/occasional beat-oriented stereo-action project of one CHUCK JOHNSON (of many bands including SPATULA, SHARKQUEST, IDYLL SWORDS, OH MY GOD I JUST HAD THE MOST AMAZING YEAR, etc), I love you Chuck! (-Ryan M). Tomandandy is Tracksuits + Amplifiers + maybe some duct tape guitars from DURHAM - they haven't played in a long time, they are great!!! This will be a rad show! It's on a Friday, too! Drop your plans, the party's here!!!
Friday, September 15
Gist (
Nathan Asher & the Infantry (
Eyes to Space (
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Friday, September 15
Goner (
The Greatest Hits (
Electric Sunshine
Kings, Raleigh
Saturday, September 16
Work Clothes (
North Elementary (
Erie Choir (
Local 506, Chapel Hill
So you've been out of town for a few years & you want to get caught up on the creme of the local hush-hush indie-rock bummer-folk psych-pop crop? This'll bring you up to speed on the local folks writing shatteringly good songs, singing them in quiet indoor voices, and letting their instruments occasionally do the yelling for them. At least 2 of these bands are in my current top-20 don't-miss-'em category, so, um, don't, OK?
Sunday, September 17
Darkmeat / Vomit Lasers Family Band (
Dead Elephant Bicycle (
The Flying Anvil, Greensboro
The folks at the Flying Anvil take a stab at explaining Dark Meat Vomit Lasers Family Band; let's see how they do:
The 18 person-plus Dark Meat collective (full name: Dark Meat Vomit Lasers Family Band) comes off like CCR and Neil Young joining the circus on a mescaline bender. Horns, pots, pans, strings, two drummers, and lots of face paint. Featuring members of (are you ready for this?) Olivia Tremor Control, Elf Power, Circulatory System, Vicariously Through Cats, We Versus The Shark, Col. Knowledge and the Lickety-Splits, Hope For Agoldensummer, Venice is Sinking, the Ginger Envelope, Ceramic Dvck, among many, many others. Album coming soon on Cloud Recordings, home of Olivia Tremor Control and the Tall Dwarfs.
Sunday, September 17
Christina Carter (
Max Ochs (
Shawn David McMillen (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill
Christina Carter is one-half of the famed, formerly-Houston, formerly-married, now-bicoastal psych/drone band Charalambides. Shawn David McMillen used to be in the Galveston band (maybe the *only* Galveston band, or at least the only one not specializing in Jimmy Buffett covers) Ash Castles on the Ghost Coast. Max Ochs is Phil's cousin, or something, no shit.
Monday, September 18
We Are Scientists (
Art Brut (
Spinto Band (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Monday, September 18
Neptune (
Clang Quartet (
Mowing Lawns (
Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
Mowing Lawns are skittish, intense, mebbe slightly paranoid freak-folkers whose duelling acoustic guitars make me duck a little. So many notes.
Clang Quartet is Scotty Irving's one-man noise/percussion tribute to Jesus Christ.
Monday, September 18
Jen Richelson (
John Harrison
Eric Roehrig (
Wes Phillips (
Fuse, Chapel Hill
Jen Richelson is gonna draw some Cat Power comparisons, which isn't really fair to anybody, but the song I heard acquitted itself well enough, and I'll betcha Jen's not a fucking nutjob, either, at least not yet.
John Harrison is the frontman/mastermind in front of & behind North Elementary.
Eric Roehrig used to spend a lot of time playing guitar & singing in Sorry About Dresden. Now he spends more of that time playing guitar & singing in Erie Choir, which is quieter & does not jump around nearly as much.
Wes Phillips moved here from Iowa & for a year or two was in a band called Ticonderoga with two of his fellow Iowans. They disbanded last year, but the Wes Phillips song I heard still has some of that that mysterious Iowan *something* that made Ticonderoga so amazing.
Monday, September 18
Vibrant Green (
Kind of Like Spitting (
The Anchor Comes Home (
Wetlands, Chapel Hill
Tuesday, September 19
Lambchop (
Portastatic (
M. Ward (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Lambchop are playing selected dates (including this one) with the Tosca String Quartet, so expect yet even more lushness than usual from the 'Chop.
Portastatic have a new CD coming out in October. The first single, "Sour Shores," mentions surfing (OK, well, it says "surf's up on sour shores" -- does that count?) AND so did one of the two new Superchunk songs debuted at their Cradle show last week ("Learn To Surf"). I've never seen Mac in board shorts & honestly I'm not sure I wanna, but more generally, WTF?
Tuesday, September 19
Leadfoot (
White Rook (
The PB Army (
Local 506, Chapel Hill
Rawk! White Rook is a new band featuring Fin Fang Foom's Eddie Sanchez.
Tuesday, September 19
Future Islands (
Robert Inevitable and the Static (
Drew Swinburne (
Nightlight, Chapel Hill
Nightlight sez:
FUTURE ISLANDS is the new ARTLORD + the SELF PORTRAITS, slimmed and toned, shtick-free, infectious 80s tinged, nay, HYPNOTIC soulful dance pop - from artschoolers in Greenville, NC, the place where you can get stabbed in the head and go out for drinks the next night. Robert I was in a band called NUCLEAR POWER PANTS, who played here last year in wild siamese twin suits, foam croc heads, and BLACK LIGHT, so you might know what to expect == costumes, kid-fun, beer hand, dance party ...
Wednesday, September 20
Calexico (
Oakley Hall (
Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
Wednesday, September 20
Monologue Bombs (
Alphas Wear Grey (
Bickett Gallery, Raleigh
Monologue Bombs is the solo accordion-and-voice project of Goner singer/keyboardist Scott Phillips.
Thursday, September 21
The Tourist (
Dan Bryk (
Charles Latham (
Marvell Building, Durham
The weekly Thursday-night hardcore shows at the downtown-Durham Marvell Building take a break this week & are replaced by the smart, bitter, Beatlesque (or, closer, Michael Penn/Aimee Mannesque) pop of Dan Bryk, the mope-folk of The Tourist, and the spastic knees-and-elbows antifolk energy of Charles Latham.
Thursday, September 21
Chest Pains (
Street Sharks (
Blackstrap (
Reservoir, Carrboro
If the Marvell's hardcore vacation leaves you desperate for a punkrock fix, look no further. Chest Pains are fronted by longtime music writer/zinester (& oldschool punk) Greg Barbera, backed by Pleasant drummer Eric Hermann & ex-Jett Rink guitarist Tim Ristau.
Street Sharks are at the forefront of the latest Raleigh Hardcore Revival.
Blackstrap are a gaggle of old (like, dude, over 30) men like me, playing dirty 80s-Cali-style punkrock with a young slip of a woman named Eliza out front.
Thursday, September 21
Dr. Dog (
Schooner (
Shakermaker (
Local 506, Chapel Hill
--------> <--------
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my email address is 'chris' at above domain
Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006,
grady, 09/14/2006
- scarstuff, Chris Calloway, 09/14/2006
- Re: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006, kevin maxwell farmer, 09/15/2006
Re: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006,
Chris Rossi, 09/15/2006
- Re: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006, bendy, 09/15/2006
- RE: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006, Joel Peck, 09/15/2006
- RE: Stuff to do, week of September 14, 2006, Joel Peck, 09/15/2006
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