ch-scene AT
Subject: RTP-area local music and culture
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- From: John Iwaniszek <not AT>
- To: ch-scene AT
- Subject: Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary
- Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 16:31:03 GMT
Kevin Grealey wrote:
>> From: John Iwaniszek <not AT>
>> Organization: Road Runner High Speed Online
>> Reply-To: RTP-area local music and culture
>> <ch-scene AT> Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:05:00 GMT
>> To: <ch-scene AT>
>> Subject: Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary
>> Chris Rossi wrote:
>>> This is maybe a bit of a weird question, but I'm going to be in Cary
>>> at 10am tomorrow. I was thinking I might try to catch some World
>>> Cup action somewhere. Anybody know a place in the Raleigh/RTP/Cary
>>> nexus that might be showing both games at once? You just can't make
>>> me pick between USA and Italy.
>>> chris
>>> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
>> There is a cool new sportsbar on Hillsborough St. right across from
>> Merideth. The owner's Irish so he will undoubtedly be
>> football-friendly.
>> I don't get over to Cary very often, so I don't know much about that
>> particular suburban wasteland.
>> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --
> A new sportsbar in Raleigh that I don't know about? Impossible!
> p.s.
> What's it called?
It's Play Makers. I couldn't remember the name and posted before I found
out. Another one to consider is the Ale House in Cameron Villiage. It
has a vast profusion of television sets, and some reasonably good beers
on tap. They might have a Highlander variety (but I could be thinking
Mellow Mushroom).
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary
, (continued)
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, david . schwentker, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
chris . clemmons, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
Chris Rossi, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, James Hepler, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, Chris Calloway, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, James Hepler, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, dj golf, 06/26/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
Chris Rossi, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, chris . clemmons, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
John Iwaniszek, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
Kevin Grealey, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, John Iwaniszek, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, Jeff Hart, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
Kevin Grealey, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
News - Features, 06/21/2006
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
John Iwaniszek, 06/21/2006
Message not available
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, John Iwaniszek, 06/21/2006
Message not available
Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary,
John Iwaniszek, 06/21/2006
- Re: World Cup / Raleigh / Cary, Doug Sutton, 06/21/2006
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