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ch-scene - Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 21, 2005

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  • From: Bob Wall <bob.wall AT>
  • To: ch-scene AT
  • Subject: Re: Stuff to Do, Week of April 21, 2005
  • Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 02:26:45 GMT

> Monday, April 25
> Mowing Lawns []
> Fuse, Chapel Hill

PLUS: Hotel Motel will be playing this one as well, so bring yr fucked
up dancing shoes. We play first.


grady wrote:
> Thursday, April 21 - Saturday, April 23
> Sparklefest []
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> Sparklefest is a long-running local festival dedicated to many things
> power/pop/fuzzrock-related. You'll have to suss out the order/nights
> thing yourself via the website, but here's a semi-orderly list of bands.
> Note the triumphant return of former local Parthenon Huxley, aka Rick
> Rock, whose "Buddha Buddha" is an unjustly-forgotten local classic:
> Thursday, April 21
> Dizzee Rascal []
> Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
> Thursday, April 21
> Strange [], Mahjongg []
> Kings, Raleigh
> Thursday, April 21
> Jule Brown []
> Fuse, Chapel Hill
> Friday, April 22
> Schooner [], Erie Choir, The Sames
> []
> Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
> This is the CD-release party for the long-overdue first full-length
> album from The Sames. To celebrate, they've invited the current Robert
> Biggers-powered Deluxx Version of Erie Choir, as well as Raleigh's
> not-really-nautical popband Schooner. Plus I'm told we'll see Torch
> Marauder, as well as an appearance by the Pox Family Singers.
> The Sames, in case you missed their debut EP back in 1947, are a
> fresh-faced bunch of lads, one-third of whose songs involve really fast
> strummy guitar bits and another third of which involve chunka-chunka
> downstrokes. Sprinkle in some la-las and a really demented lyrical bent
> & you've got a start.
> Friday, April 22
> The Ghost of Rock, The Young Idea [], The
> Assault, Fashion Design [], The Jones
> Kings, Raleigh
> It's the Kings Barcade Spring Fling, which I think just means fine young
> local bands like Fashion Design (swirly big-beat 80s britpop revivalism)
> and the Young Idea (used to wanna rock the Buzzcocks, now they wanna
> rock Wire), and fine old local bands like The Ghost of Rock (all their
> sweaters have elbow patches; all their glasses are bi-focal).
> Saturday, April 23
> The Moaners, Work Clothes [], Cub Country
> []
> Ooh La Latte, Durham
> The show of the week is in Durham? At Ooh La Latte, the venue that swore
> off live music last year?
> Well, it's this year now, and this *is* the show of the week. Melissa
> Swingle (ex-Trailer Bride) and Laura King (ex-Gerty, Grand National)
> rock the gtr/drums duo format as the Moaners; it's a format Melissa
> knows well, as it was the Trailer Bride format for the first few years
> of that band's existence. This one's a whole lot meaner & bluesier, with
> Melissa going periodically apeshit with a slide.
> Work Clothes are as softly hushed & delicate as they ever were, only
> nowadays they've drafted Clarque Blomquist & John Harrison to hush it up
> a bit more. This works particularly well at the point in the show when
> Lee busts out a massive pickslide and they make a giant wall of rock
> noise for a minute and a half before silencing it back down again.
> Cub Country make laid-back country rock with crisp arrangments and
> self-effacing lyrics that never once mention crap about dogs and trucks.
> Drinking and heartache, yes, sure, but in an urban/wintry context.
> Saturday, April 23
> Roh Delikat [], Jakuta & Carl
> [], The Physics of Meaning
> []
> Duke Coffeehouse, Durham
> Saturday, April 23
> Chrome Plated Apostles [], The Spinns
> [], Dude Garden, Fake Swedish
> [], Chest Pains
> Kings, Raleigh
> Another night of the Kings Spring Fling. Things get heavier/garageyer
> with Chrome-Plated Apostles (a slightly rearranged/customized
> chopped/channelled tucked/rolled Bad Checks), the decidedly lo-fi sounds
> of The Spinns, and the intermittently mildly baroque 60s psych-rock of
> Fake Swedish.
> Saturday, April 23
> Countdown Quartet []
> Fuse, Chapel Hill
> Saturday, April 23
> Yayhooray [], XXXX Squared, Tuntouchi
> [], Boyzone
> []
> Nightlight, Chapel Hill
> Saturday, April 23
> Auto-Passion, Golden Dawn, Art Lord and the Self Portraits
> []
> The Werehouse, Winston-Salem
> I mention this show ('tis in Winston-Salem, so are you going?) primarily
> because it's a freaking Costume Party. I stopped paying
> attention to the whole Social Networking thing a little over a year ago
> (hey, it served its purpose), but apparently while the rest of the sites
> were sinking into the inevitable lameness of last year's fad,
> was bribing bands with an addictive combination of free
> streaming audio and all the normal social-networking toys, and
> succeeding so wildly that even a grubby underground artrock venue like
> the Werehouse is happy to pay homage to its success. Every band you can
> think of has a MySpace page. This was not true even 3 months ago.
> Celebrate? If necessary, OK.
> Sunday, April 24
> tommygun [], Mogote
> []
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> Sunday, April 24
> The Tranny Roadshow []
> Nightlight, Chapel Hill
> From the Nightlight website:
> The Tranny Roadshow is a multimedia performance art extravaganza, which
> will be touring the country in the spring of this year. It is composed
> of an eclectic group of artists, each one self-identified as
> transgender, and includes poets, rappers, filmmakers, storytellers,
> breakdancers, rock bands, comedians, actors, folk singers,
> photographers, zinesters, and more. Stationary art (i.e. photography and
> sculpture) will be on display, but most of the presentation is the live
> show, a unique variety show where the expression of gender and the
> expression of self are inseparable. The show is a fluid entity, changing
> to suit the artists and the crowd, but always it is full of
> intelligence, fun and humor. Although the Tranny Roadshow is done
> entirely by transpeople, it is not exclusively for transpeople. It is a
> raucous evening of entertainment, open and accessible to people of all
> backgrounds. While the Roadshow's goals do include challenging people
> and making them think, more important goals are to entertain them, make
> them laugh, and make them dance.
> Sunday, April 24
> New Town Drunks []
> Fuse, Chapel Hill
> Monday, April 25
> Choosy Beggars []
> The Cave, Chapel Hill
> Monday, April 25
> Damien Jurado [], Two Gallants
> [], Sail On, Sailor
> []
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> Monday, April 25
> Mowing Lawns []
> Fuse, Chapel Hill
> Tuesday, April 26
> Honored Guests [], Tennis and the
> Mennonites []
> The Library, Chapel Hill
> Hope those free Chapel Hill buses do late-night on Franklin Street;
> you're going to need them to jet back and forth between the Library and
> Local 506. Tennis and the Mennonites (I still haven't seen them, so
> fingers crossed) made the first truly excellent popsong of Spring '05
> with their "Magnets" from their Wicked Man EP. Don't miss them, if only
> for a chance to buy a copy of the damn CD.
> Tuesday, April 26
> The Strugglers [], Hellsayers
> []
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> Strugglers are one of my 10 favorite current local bands of the moment;
> they combine frontman Randy Bickford's fragile/damaged country folk,
> complete with cracked voice & brilliant ear for meter & metaphor, and
> his rotating cast of backing musicians & their willingness to try
> whatever arrangements seem to make sense at the moment, including a
> brilliant show last year at Go with two drummers that was one of the
> highlights of my 2004.
> Wednesday, April 27
> Greg Davis [], Keith
> Fullerton Whitman [], Phon
> Nightlight, Chapel Hill
> Thursday, April 28
> Radar Brothers [], Hotel
> Lights, Lud []
> Kings, Raleigh
> Hotel Lights are the new thing of ex-Ben Folds drummer Darren Jessee;
> their debut album was on a lot of top-20 lists last year, and deservedly
> so: it's a lovely survey of indie-pop styles, from
> slow/quiet/lush/mournful at one end to chugga-chugga ecstatic/vicious
> poprock at the other.
> Lud have a whole slew of material they're working up for their next
> album, and as usual it's a blend of spacious guitar instrumentals and
> third-person electric narrative anthems, all knit together by guitarist
> Bryon Settle's playing, which is so sublime that even the hardened
> punkrockers wish he'd play one more solo.
> --------> <--------
> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --

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