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ch-scene - Re: Stuff to do, week of February 18, 2004

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  • From: "Bob Wall" <bob.wall AT>
  • To: "RTP-area local music and culture" <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: Re: Stuff to do, week of February 18, 2004
  • Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 15:56:32 -0500

for future reference:


----- Original Message -----
From: <grady AT>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 1:35 PM
Subject: Stuff to do, week of February 18, 2004

> If I can hack this crap out of my bronchiae, I might actually make it to
> some of these:
> Wednesday, February 18
> The Dynamite Brothers [], Ol' Yeller
> The Cave, Chapel Hill
> Thursday, February 19
> Utah! [], The Balance
> []
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> Utah! have a cello, which by itself would only boost them by a
> half-point. They know how to use it to make great artrock
> ("chamber-pop?" -- no, I think they're way more "rock" than that
> connotes) music, though, so that's more like a plus-10.
> The Balance are fronted by Jim Brantley, who was the last Ashley Stove
> guitarist; if you were at the Cover-Up this year, you saw them as
> Cream. They have music in the can which I have not heard, and before
> Jim emails me to remind me about the CD he gave me, I should confess
> that I lost it.
> Thursday, February 19
> Pro-L [], Black Castle
> [], The Vivaldis, Daughter
> []
> Nightlight, Chapel Hill
> OK, this confuses even me a little bit, so bear-with: Black Castle are
> spazz-out flop-around screamo that's dosed heavily with bleating
> keyboards; they've got former members of the dear-departed Witchcraft
> By A Picture (whom they resemble more-than-a-little). Pro-L are, I
> believe, live-band hip-hop, and they include Cherry Valence/Mothlight
> drummer Nick Whitley on drums.
> Daughter are from NYC, record for AUM Fidelity, and may or may not be
> some combination of the above.
> Thursday, February 19
> snmnmnm []
> The Cave, Chapel Hill
> snmnmnm are [relative] newcomers to town, part of the current wave of
> transplants that started a year or two ago. Dunno what to make of the
> current wave--I mean, I can only assume they're *not* moving here to
> cash in on the attention, since there isn't any. So welcome, itinerant
> musicians, to mild winters (ha!) and ample food-service jobs and the
> same 45 people at every show (and every party).
> Oh yeah: they have a tuba.
> Thursday, February 19
> Apple Juice Orchestra []
> Kings, Raleigh
> Friday, February 20
> Lambchop [], The Loan Official
> Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
> Lambchop were responsible for one of the top-5 shows I have ever seen
> in my life (don't ask the other 4, I dunno, but they probably include
> Yo La Tengo, Pixies on the Doolittle tour, The Ruins, and about 35
> other bands in a 35-way-tie). Last time I saw the 'chop, though, they
> were stripped down to maybe a half-dozen members, and I have to
> confess, I got bored enough to leave.
> I'm told that their new double-album is chock full of genius (haven't
> heard it; behind in my CD-buying), SO here's hoping that (a) they
> bring a big ol' band and utterly destroy, and/or (b) Fiver pipes in
> and reassures me that I'd be a moron to miss this show.
> Friday, February 20
> The Frequency, Stations, Andy Hayleck and Dan Breen
> []
> Project Space 211, Winston-Salem
> Our friends at PS211 in Winston-Salem sent over this note:
> "The Frequency is basically the solo effort of Trans Am drummer
> Sebastian Thomson. The live band features members of Wooly Mammoth
> (aaron claxton)and Squatweiler (rob c, their DC drummer). The album,
> written entirely and recorded mostly by Sebastian will be released
> soon on Noreaster Failed Industries. They are gonna tear it up like
> nobody's biz, ya dig? Andy Hayleck & Dan Breen are from baltimore and
> came down to ps211 once before as the improv duo S.N.A.C.K.S. Now they
> have a new thing, more out there and exciting than ever. $6"
> Friday, February 20
> Roxotica, Dragstrip Syndicate [],
> The Dynamite Brothers [], Valient
> Thorr []
> Kings, Raleigh
> The four poles of local rock insanity. Dynamite Brothers bring the
> amped-up spazzmo backwoods blues-punk-boogie; Dragstrip Syndicate
> bring the Raleigh-style ROCK; Roxotica bring the ladies-of-metal
> usedta-be-tribute, now just step-back she-metal action; and Valient
> Thorr are from fucking outer space.
> Saturday, February 21
> Bellafea [], Zetamale
> []
> Gate City Noise, Greensboro
> Shows at Gate City Noise generally start pretty early, like around the
> 8:00 p.m. timeframe, so get your gardening done early. Bellafea are
> half-Carrboro, half-Wilmington; guitar/vox+drums; soft quiet strummy
> parts that explode into furious drumming & squalling. Heather has a
> disturbingly marvelous ululation in her voice that nobody I know can
> replicate during their in-car-singing attempts.
> Zetamale are one of those Sleepytime Trio/Bats and Mice offshoots, but
> I can't keep it all straight anymore.
> Saturday, February 21
> Kudzu Wish [], Tiger Bear Wolf, Fire
> Parade [ ], Skyline Awake
> []
> Ace's Basement, Greensboro
> Kudzu Wish and TigerBearWolf are two Greensboro bands who're working
> the same side of the street--big, slightly out-of-control guitars,
> yelping, kinda-desperate singing, lots of dynamics and freaked-out
> squiggly moments. They both released albums last year that would've
> made my top-20 had I bothered to make a top-20.
> It's a Saturday so I don't know when the first band will start
> (sometimes things at Ace's start right at 9:00, and sometimes they
> don't) but you probably have time to catch at least part of the show
> at Gate City Noise as well.
> Saturday, February 21
> Mates of State [], Da Hawnay Troof
> [], The Like Young
> []
> Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
> Saturday, February 21
> Ian Davis & Jason Bivins
> [], New Loft
> Ensemble []
> Nightlight, Chapel Hill
> Walt Davis forwarded a vaguely descriptive email from one of the New
> Loft guys:
> "Anyway, we're a trio, New Loft, based in Richmond VA, and we do
> basically free improv, sax, electric bass/sax, and drums, kind of in
> the expressionistic/energy vein."
> Ian Davis plays percussion, Jason Bivins plays guitar; they improvise
> together. There may or may not also be a Crowmeat Bob outfit on the
> bill as well.
> Saturday, February 21
> Fake Swedish [], The Spinns
> []
> The Cave, Chapel Hill
> Saturday, February 21
> The Butchies [], Cuntry Kings
> [], Roxotica
> Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro
> Butchies never really went away, but if they had, then they'd be back!
> They're back! I think it's necessary to call them power-pop, as they
> were never really about that "punk" adjective that occasionally got
> tossed around. Cuntry Kings are a notorious/celebrated (pick yr
> adjective) drag-king show from around NC somewhere. And Roxotica, of
> course, would apparently like to see you in yr PJs while they flog you
> into submission with wave upon wave of she-metal fury.
> Saturday, February 21
> The Comas [], Evening Pines
> Local 506, Chapel Hill
> I haven't seen the Comas in years; until I get over this goddamn chest
> cold, I probably won't be seeing them anytime soon, either. Would
> somebody with stronger lungs than I please give with an update on what
> this version is all about?
> Sunday, February 22
> Hank Williams III [], Scott Biram
> []
> Cat's Cradle, Carrboro
> I asked my friend M about Hank Williams III, as she's got an
> autographed glossy on her cube-wall and I figured she'd know the
> low-down. She said "He's got a king-hell tattoo on his arm. Even if he
> can't write worth a damn." Which then evolved into a discussion of
> whether or not he was better back when he was making cowpunk records
> of other peoples' songs, or now that he's told Nashville to fuck off,
> more or less, and is some sort of redneck punkrocker.
> I haven't heard either, so I wouldn't know. My impression is that this
> tour will be much more skewed towards the redneck punk, but when
> you're talking about the heir to the Hank Williams genes, I guess you
> really never know. Speaking of the genes, M says "And tell the girlies
> to stop throwing their cheap whorish undies on stage. He doesn't need
> the encouragement."
> Sunday, February 22
> Volcano, I'm Still Excited [],
> Zetamale []
> Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro
> Tuesday, February 24
> The Nein [], The Narrator, Hotel Motel
> Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro
> Hotel Motel have just finished up their debut EP, and it's kinda sorta
> like if Anne Gomez took Watt's place in the jazzier later Minutemen,
> and they covered Lee Hazelwood and Rod Stewart. Wait, the Rod Stewart
> cover isn't on the EP, and it's sort of a surprise at the end of their
> set, so forget I just said that.
> The Nein have adopted the brilliant tactic of releasing a series of
> EPs rather than a full-length album, for which I love them very much.
> As with their debut, the new one is sorta split between songs on which
> Finn kinda wails angstily, and songs where they bust out the massive
> rhythm section and the killer hooks. I'm partial to the latter, but
> then I'm a sucker for a good popsong.
> Wednesday, February 25
> Kenny Roby
> The Cave, Chapel Hill
> Kenny Roby fronted Six String Drag, back in the 90s, a
> roots/country/gospel outfit who drew influences from Springsteen,
> Costello, Sahm and The Band, as well as Ralph Stanley and the Louvins,
> and who were at their best when they sported a horn section. His solo
> work since their breakup has explored all those areas, and more; he's
> one of the best songwriters in the state, and his voice is more than a
> match for his songs.
> Wednesday, February 25
> Legendary Shack*Shakers [], The
> Moaners
> Go! Studios Rm. 4, Carrboro
> --------> <--------
> -- ch-scene: the list that mirrors --

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