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cc-uk - [Cc-uk] FW: March of the Spiders - CC and the Publishing Industry

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  • From: "Damian Tambini" <damian.tambini AT>
  • To: <cc-uk AT>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: [Cc-uk] FW: March of the Spiders - CC and the Publishing Industry
  • Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 13:55:24 -0000

Conservative Party supported report on IP and CC


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Moores (Zentelligence) [mailto:smoores AT]
Sent: 02 February 2005 09:02
To: damian.tambini AT
Subject: March of the Spiders - CC and the Publishing Industry

Dear Damian

The report on intellectual property protection in the online publishing
industry, "March of the Spiders", was published at the European Parliament
on 24th January. The report, in PDF format and under a CC license is
available from or
under will be used as a submission in support of the review of the European
Copyright Directive (EUCD) now taking place.

A review of the report and the PDF file can be found at and
perhaps you could let the CC community know of its existence more broadly? I
had been hoping to publish it under a UK license but have used the draft

Regards and best wishes
Simon Moores

Dr Simon Moores
Zentelligence (Research) Ltd

m: +44(0) 7836 530446
t: +44 (0)1843 836 439
e: smoores AT

Programme Director - 2005 eCrime Congress -

Vice Chairman (Policy Development) - The Conservative Technology Forum -


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