cc-nz AT
Subject: Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand discussion
List archive
- From: "Ian Thomson" < AT>
- To: "Creative Commons Aotearoa (NZ)" <cc-nz AT>
- Subject: Re: [Cc-nz] list admin
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 22:46:17 +1200
Kia ora koutou,
I am not long back from a project in Samoa and am picking up the CC threads again.
The issue of a web site and other tools is very important and we need to resolve how to move forward on this.
It has been generally agreed that the Council for the Humanities will play a leading role in the NZ Creative Commons, but just what role and what resources they will have is yet to be agreed.
The Working Gruop has reconveined to discuss progress and next steps and we will be discussing many issues with Brian Opie, the Executive Director, Te Whainga Aronui, The Council for the Humanities.
The legal team is meeting to discuss options and drafts etc and will report back shortly.
The next key milestone seems to be a meeting of the Humanities Coulncil on Oct 6th in Auckland which will ijnclude a public component on CC.
More after we meet with Brian.
On 06/09/06, Danyl Strype <strypey AT> wrote:
Kia ora koutou
Would anyone like to volunteer to co-admin this list? The main task is
to check the odd thing that the server flags as possible spam and
either discard it (if it is spam) or accept it. It's an easy job and
takes very little time but it would be good to have 2 or 3 admins so
there's always one person keeping an eye on things.
Ibiblio uses Mailman for it's email lists which is fairly
self-explanatory if you've ever had a YahooGroup or anything like
that. I'd happy help orientate anyone who hasn't been an email list
admin before.
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- quoted in the movie 'Equilibrium'
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Cc-nz mailing list
Cc-nz AT
Ian Thomson
Phone +64 (0)27 449 0081
[Cc-nz] list admin,
Danyl Strype, 09/06/2006
Re: [Cc-nz] list admin,
Jasper Bryant-Greene, 09/06/2006
- Re: [Cc-nz] list admin, Jonathan Ah Kit, 09/06/2006
Re: [Cc-nz] list admin,
Robin Sheat, 09/06/2006
- Re: [Cc-nz] list admin, Jasper Bryant-Greene, 09/06/2006
- Re: [Cc-nz] list admin, Ian Thomson, 09/13/2006
Re: [Cc-nz] list admin,
Jasper Bryant-Greene, 09/06/2006
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