cc-licenses AT
Subject: Development of Creative Commons licenses
List archive
- From: Rob Myers <robmyers AT>
- To: Discussion on the Creative Commons license drafts <cc-licenses AT>
- Subject: Re: [cc-licenses] use for software
- Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:38:01 +0100
Bjorn Wijers wrote:
What about making the code free under GPL, but use a trademark to protect your businessname and after that 'protect' your business methods with 'patents'? So basically the code is free for anyone to use, but the specifics of your business methods not?
- Could this work?
Trademarks, yes, patents, no.
"Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all."
- Is this similar to how companies like Redhat can open their code but still 'protect' their business?
Redhat use trademarks and closed code, which the GPL allows "mere aggregation" with.
But this is all very much against the spirit of Free Software. And OT for this list. :-)
- Rob.
[cc-licenses] use for software,
Tom Hosiawa, 08/22/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Evan Prodromou, 08/22/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Mike Linksvayer, 08/22/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Tom Hosiawa, 08/22/2005
- Re: [cc-licenses] use for software, Rob Myers, 08/23/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Bjorn Wijers, 08/23/2005
- Re: [cc-licenses] use for software, Rob Myers, 08/23/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
drew Roberts, 08/23/2005
- Re: [cc-licenses] use for software, Tom Hosiawa, 08/23/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Tom Hosiawa, 08/22/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Mike Linksvayer, 08/22/2005
Re: [cc-licenses] use for software,
Evan Prodromou, 08/22/2005
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