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baslinux - Re: [BL] more on bootable CD's

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  • From: "Anthony J. Albert" <albert AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] more on bootable CD's
  • Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 16:11:02 -0500

On 2 Feb 2004 at 14:39, James Miller wrote:
>I recently communicated with someone on the issue of writing CD R's
>multiple times, and learned something new I thought other listers might be
>interested in learning as well. It's also relevant to the bootable BL CD
>topic that's come up recently. I do so little CD burning that, though
>this may be widely known, it's something new to me and perhaps will be to
>others onlist. First, let me clarify that this concerns, so far a I
>understand, CD R's - as opposed to CD RW's. CD R's, as perhaps everyone
>already knows, are supposed to be writeable only once, while CD RW's are
>made to be written to multiple times. My source informs me that I was
>wrong in thinking that, once you burn a CD R, you cannot put any more data
>on it - even if only part of the CD's capacity is used (you will perhaps
>recall from our discussion on the proposed BL bootable CD how 99% of the
>space on the proposed CD would be "wasted," i.e., not have any files/data
>on it). Well, my source informs me that I was wrong about CD R's in this
>regard. The source claims, on the contrary, that further data *can* be
>written to an already-recorded CD R that still has free space on it (like
>the BL bootable CD, which would have only a few megabytes worth of files
>occupying it's ca 600MB capacity). In other words, you could take that
>bootable BL CD (R), put it in a CD burner, then add the files from
>Slackware71 to do the full HD install, as an example. Or maybe add some
>documentation there or something. My source claims to have done this sort
>of thing with CD R's many times. I don't know if you can go on writing
>and writing to the CD until it's full or not: seems like there should be
>some limitation. But it seems it can at least be done more than once.
>My source informs me that the potential "gotcha" in doing this is if you
>try to write a file with the same name as a file you already have written
>to the CD R in question. So, if you have baslinux.gz there, for example,
>and you try to add a file later with the same name, the first baslinux.gz
>will get corrupted. Apparently, the second one does not get corrupted,
>though. In the overall, if my source is correct, wasting space on the
>bootable BL CD that's been talked about recently may not be the compelling
>issue it seemed earlier. Input from others onlist who have CD burning
>experience and can either confirm or refute what my source is telling me
>will be appreciated.
>Thanks, James

This is true, but....

There are several ways which can accomplish this, but they boil down to
one of two things:

A. Proprietary formats for doing so - Adaptec/Roxio has good software
for this, Nero is supposed to be good, as well. When using a
proprietary driver, you can treat the CD-R pretty much like any other
removable media, except that you every time to re-write a file with an
existing name, it writes out the old version as having been deleted.
This also requires installation of the Adaptec/Roxio drivers on each
computer you're going to read the CD on - can't be read on a standard
computer, without the drivers.

B. Orange Book multisession format
There is a standard for recordable CDs - called the "Orange Book"
Multiple sessions can be written to the CD, but only the most recent
session is available. Some standard CD-ROM and CD-audio players can
use this format on a CD-R, some can't. Got to have software capable of
writing in this mode, however, and usually, each session is treated as
an entirely new use of the CD-R, i.e. all previous sessions are marked
as "unavailable". Also, every session has to be recorded as
"multisession", as far as I know, or else the CD can't be recorded

Personally, I keep a half-dozen CD-RW on hand, and use them for backups
and testing of a new CD recording session. When I've finallized the
session as having everything I want, I copy it to a CD-R. I don't do
multi-session recording, preferring to erase a CD-RW completely, and
record a single session on it.

Hope this helps,
Anthony Albert

P.S. I do like Stephen's idea of including the Slackware 7.1
distribution on the same CD as a bootable version BL 2.x - sounds like
a great idea for getting a moderately new computer up and running BL in
a hurry, with the opportunity to add a few packages from the SL
distribution easily, for testing purposes. I expect that it'll all fit
on one CD... my copy of SL7.1 reports 645MB in use. It might be
necessary to omit something; I'd have to give it a try. My first
impulse is to omit the "ZIPSLACK" folder and all in it. If you're
booting from CD, and booting BL, then who needs to boot from ZIP disk?

Anthony J. Albert albert AT
Systems and Software Support Specialist Postmaster
Computer Services - University of Maine, Presque Isle
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--- Red Green

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