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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Tenses - Deut 6:4

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Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum

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  • From: Bob MacDonald <bobmacdonald AT>
  • To: 'b-hebrew' <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Tenses - Deut 6:4
  • Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:23:21 -0800

Isaac - thanks for your reply

My conjugation / theological question is perhaps not list business - more
suited to a linguistics or philosophy list. I think the point you brought
out about the primitive nature of language is important. Our 'understanding'
is conditioned by habit and the commonplace. As a result we may never
escape the context of the assumptions of others - whether they were right or
not. That is what immediately struck me as I looked at the tenses of these
words in Deut 6 - the whole section in fact. We are looking at the Shema
tonight in my Hebrew class - it is late enough in the group formation that I
may be able to introduce a question.


Bob MacDonald

Victoria BC

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