b-hebrew AT lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum
List archive
- From: Pere Casanellas <pere.casanellas AT bcn.servicom.es>
- To: b-hebrew AT franklin.oit.unc.edu
- Cc: mbushell AT mindspring.com,"Matthew Anstey" <manstey AT portal.ca>, biblewrx AT cyberport.net
- Subject: RE: Hebrew alphabet
- Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:33:47 +0200
Dear Matthew Anstey, Yousaf and other list members,
Here is the list of all the verses (26) in the Hebrew Bible which contain
all the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (if you consider that sin and
shin are the same letter):
Ex 16:16
Dt 4:34
Js 23:13
2Re 4:39
2Re 6:32
2Re 7:8
2Cr 26:11
Esd 7:28
Ne 3:7
Est 3:13
Coh 4:8
Is 5:25
Is 66:17
Jr 22:3
Jr 32:29
Ez 17:9
Ez 38:12
Dn 2:45
Dn 3:22
Dn 4:20
Dn 7:19
Os 10:8
Os 13:2
Am 9:13
So 3:8
Za 6:11
I imagine this is a very complex or long search for a Bible program: the
program must do a list of all the verses which contain the letter alef, all
the verses which contain the letter bet, etc., and combine theses searches.
It seems to me incredible, but using BibleWorks 4.0 and my portable
computer (Pentium II, 64 MB RAM) it took only 29 seconds to find the 26
You can use the below search (inside the Advanced Search Engine). Copy the
text from "BW_Query_File_Version 1.070" until the end of the message to the
Windows Notepad or another plain text editor and save it to a file with any
name and the extension .QF. Open BibleWorks and the ASE and with the menu
file open the file to which you have given a name and the extension .QF.
Before running the query it is necessary to disable highlighting: go to the
"query" menu, submenu "properties" and disable "do highlights" (otherwise
the program hangs).
In the case of the letter samekh, I have searched for all the verses which
contain words with the letter samekh and another letter before or after it
(*?s* or *s?*) instead of searching for all the verses which contain just
the letter samekh (*s*) in order to exclude the verses which have only the
solitary samekh wich indicates a "setuma" or closed paragraph but not other
words with the letter samekh.
If you consider that sin and shin are two different letters, then the list
is smaller:
Dt 4:34
2Re 7:8
2Cr 26:11
Esd 7:28
Est 3:13
Coh 4:8
Is 66:17
Jr 22:3
Jr 32:29
Ez 17:9
Ez 38:12
Os 10:8
Os 13:2
Za 6:11
Pere Casanellas
E-mail: pere.casanellas AT bcn.servicom.es
pcasanel AT pie.xtec.es
Phone & fax: +34-93-417 90 00
Carrer Anna Piferrer, 11
E-08023 Barcelona
>Gday Yousaf,
>According to the Mp there are 26 verses like this, and they are listed in
>Ginsburg II:456. I however could only find 17 verses using Bibleworks. They
>are: Deut. 4:34, 2 Ki. 7:8, 2 Chr. 26:11, Ezr. 7:28, Neh. 3:15, Est. 3:13,
>Eccl. 4:8, Isa. 17:11, Isa. 66:17, Jer. 22:3, Jer. 32:29, Ezek. 17:9, Ezek.
>38:12, Dan. 5:7, Hos. 10:8, Hos. 13:2, Zech. 6:11.
>HOWEVER, some of these may be wrong as the program picks up the setumah and
>petumah markers in the search. So you'll have to hand check them.
>There is no corresponding Mm note for this statistic that I know of.
>The Mp note to look for is: ko pswq d'yt bhwn '//b, which translates, "26
>verses there are in which is the alphabet". See Kelley, Mynatt, & Crawford,
>p.72. They only note Jer 32.29.
>With regards,
>Matthew Anstey
>>Dear friends,
>>I read in a book that there are several verses in the Hebrew Bible, that
>>contains all (22) of the Hebrew alphabets along with its final forms. Can
>>someone send me the Hebrew Bible references for that?
>You are currently subscribed to b-hebrew as:
pere.casanellas AT bcn.servicom.es
>To unsubscribe, forward this message to
>To subscribe, send an email to join-b-hebrew AT franklin.oit.unc.edu.
BW_Query_File_Version 1.070
Description 0 0
!,.:;? ¡¿
CrossVerseBoundaries n
SearchAccents n
SearchVowels n
SearchQere n
SearchKethib y
NumObjects 25
ID 0
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ID 11
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CaseSensitive n
ID 12
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ID 13
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ID 14
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XYWH 1840 110 153 64
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Version WTT
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ID 15
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Type word
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Version WTT
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ID 16
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Type word
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ID 17
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ID 18
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XYWH 2328 110 153 64
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CaseSensitive n
ID 19
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Type word
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Version WTT
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ID 20
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Type word
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Version WTT
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Version WTT
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ID 22
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Type word
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Version WTT
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ID 23
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Type or
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ID 24
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3 1 24
4 1 24
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6 1 24
7 1 24
8 1 24
9 1 24
10 1 24
11 1 24
12 1 24
13 1 24
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15 1 24
16 1 24
17 1 24
18 1 24
19 1 24
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22 1 23
23 1 24
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version 1.01 subquery flag
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ID 1
ID 2
ID 3
ID 4
ID 5
ID 6
ID 7
ID 8
ID 9
ID 10
ID 11
ID 12
ID 13
ID 14
ID 15
ID 16
ID 17
ID 18
ID 19
ID 20
ID 21
ID 22
ID 23
MakeSubquery n
ID 24
MakeSubquery n
version 1.02
Suppress highlighting
version 1.03 custom punctuation
ID 0
ID 1
ID 2
ID 3
ID 4
ID 5
ID 6
ID 7
ID 8
ID 9
ID 10
ID 11
ID 12
ID 13
ID 14
ID 15
ID 16
ID 17
ID 18
ID 19
ID 20
ID 21
ID 22
ID 23
ID 24
version 1.04 brother text filter
ID 0
ID 1
ID 2
ID 3
ID 4
ID 5
ID 6
ID 7
ID 8
ID 9
ID 10
ID 11
ID 12
ID 13
ID 14
ID 15
ID 16
ID 17
ID 18
ID 19
ID 20
ID 21
ID 22
ID 23
ID 24
version 1.05 map GNT to BNM with brother text filters
version 1.06 agreement Spgn flags
ID 0
ID 1
ID 2
ID 3
ID 4
ID 5
ID 6
ID 7
ID 8
ID 9
ID 10
ID 11
ID 12
ID 13
ID 14
ID 15
ID 16
ID 17
ID 18
ID 19
ID 20
ID 21
ID 22
ID 23
ID 24
version 1.07
IgnoreHebrewParagraphMarker y
RE: Hebrew alphabet,
Matthew Anstey, 10/15/1999
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: Hebrew alphabet, Pere Casanellas, 10/16/1999
- Re: Hebrew alphabet, Ruthy & Baruch, 10/18/1999
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