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b-hebrew - Re: vav conversive

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Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum

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  • From: "Paul Zellmer" <zellmer AT>
  • To: "Biblical Hebrew" <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: vav conversive
  • Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 06:10:40 +0800

Jim West wrote:

> >4. What is the best way to describe the difference between a root and
> >stem?
> There is no difference. Just like there is no difference between
> conjugating and parsing.


We may only have a semantic disconnect here, but these are two
completely different items in my understanding. The root is the lexical
base (in hebrew, generally three consonants) that bear the basic
semantic meaning of the lexical entry. The stem is the conjugating,
which is roughly the adjustment of that meaning for the specific usage.
Please understand that this is a quick and dirty answer, and I wouldn't
hang over any hot places supported only by it!



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