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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)

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  • From: Paul <dufflebunk AT>
  • To: SourceMage Sorcery List <sm-sorcery AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] wget .so dependencies (possibly global problem)
  • Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 08:06:01 -0500

cast --fix is supposed to detect and fix these problems. Most spells
aren't as problematic as wget, since if --fix finds a problem with wget,
it can't very well d/l sources to recompile can it ;)

Anyhow, when I upgraded gettext, I didn't have any errors. Another
person on IRC did. I've no idea why... however I did write a little tool
that would check all binaries and libs installed by a spell and make
sure that all the libs needed are provided by a spell that it depends
on. afraydknot has it and will likely be integrating it with his
prometheus work.

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 07:00, Ondra Tomecka wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just updated few spells, gettext as one of them. Gettext updated library
> from to I would not expect this to
> cause any problems, as file still exists and correctly points
> to new version. However, I tried to summon some other spell, and wget
> failed with message that it cannot find (which it cannot
> becase it's not there anymore).
> I made a little research with ldd to find out that there are lot of spells
> which expect exact major version of library (which is understandable as
> change in major version usually means ABI change), but this means that
> upgrade of major version of shared library can break lots of programs at
> once if it deletes previous version.
> One possible solution for this can be to recompile all spells which use
> the upgraded library, but I'm afraid that this could possibly be terribly
> time-consuming.
> Another possibility would be to leave previous version available, and add
> it to list of files of the spell which installs new version, so it would
> still be tracked by sorcery. And possibly check if existing older versions
> are still being used by some spell, which would be probably very slow too.
> Or add sorcery subcommand to check for unused older versions and remove
> them ;-)
> The more I think about it, the more I like the latter option with added
> subcommand to sorcery. Only bad thing about it is a lot of work which it
> would require...
> Any thoughts about this?
> Andy

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