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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Static base spells

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  • From: "M.L." <mlubrano AT>
  • To: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>, sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Static base spells
  • Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 07:46:28 +0100

Hi Duff,

as far as I remember, static binaries only grows because of fuctions and
of libs they are linked to.

For instance, "hello world" goes from 5.2k to 466k here (try gcc -static ;)

Anyway, I'd love to see "STATIC COMPILE" or a checkbox like that in sorcery
features menu :)


On Vendredi 29 Novembre 2002 04:41, Dufflebunk wrote:
> There has been a small amount of discussion about making the binaries
> that the sorcery scripts depend on static. This would solve problems
> when upgrading (glibc ('lockexec not found' anyone?), gettext, ...). I
> don't know how big the binaries get, but I'll list as many of the
> programs I can think of. Does anyone have any idea of how much more
> space having them all staticly compiled would take? Are there any other
> cons to doing this?
> ls, cut, awk, sed, grep, find, tar, gzip, bzip, lockexec, cat, ps, true,
> false, md5sum, rm, mv, file, sort, date, mkdir, rmdir, tail, nice,
> sleep, echo, column, basename, dirname, chmod, touch, wget, mount,
> umount, bash (may have its own versions of these programs, but I'm not
> sure: sleep, nice, echo, mkdir, nice, rm, mv, touch).
> Others which are also needed, but are less important:
> xdelta, cvs, dialog.
> And since I'm procrastinating on fixing bugs, here's a bit of output
> that lists the spells that would need to be modified to make the static
> binaries, and the short script to find the spell:
> L='ls cut awk sed grep find tar gzip bzip2 lockexec cat ps true false
> md5sum rm mv file sort date mkdir rmdir tail nice sleep echo column
> basename dirname chmod touch wget mount umount bash' ; for BIN in $L ;
> do gaze from `which $BIN` | cut -d: -f1 ; done | sort | uniq
> bash-2.05b
> file-3.39
> fileutils-4.1
> findutils-4.1
> gawk-3.1.1
> grep-2.5
> gzip-1.2.4b
> lockexec-0.3.1
> sed-4.0.3
> sh-utils-2.0
> tar-1.13
> tar-1.13.25
> textutils-2.1
> util-linux-2.11w
> wget-1.8.2
> Don't ask me why it's got two versions of tar listed.

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