sm-sorcery AT
Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
List archive
- From: julian AT (Julian v. Bock)
- To: "Ryan Abrams" <rabrams AT>
- Cc: "sm-sorcery" <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]
- Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 18:30:30 +0200
>>>>> "RA" == Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT> writes:
RA> What /exactly/ is the problem?
A cvs update (I do always a cvs -n up before comitting to get a list
of everything that has changed) for a single spell dir takes a long
time. If I do an update in the devel or libs dir I don't get a
response from the server and cvs times out after about 15 minutes.
Since the update of a single spell dir works (slowly) there might be
only a process that consumes all the cpu time.
I had this problem the first time about 15 hours ago.
Julian v. Bock, 10/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery], Eric Sandall, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Ryan Abrams, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Julian v. Bock, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Nick Jennings, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Julian v. Bock, 10/03/2002
- Re: [SM-Sorcery], Eric Schabell, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Julian v. Bock, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Nick Jennings, 10/03/2002
Re: [SM-Sorcery],
Julian v. Bock, 10/03/2002
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